Drug photos


Interesting. I did some similar abstract work directly on exposed film, back in the 70’s, but didn’t think of going through the medicine chest looking for random things that might react; I worked mostly with heat and a few moderately obvious chemicals.

@pesco: ‘KALTBLUT’. As in ‘cold blood’. As one word, instead of two.
In case anyone was wondering about the name.

Ah! Thanks!

You’re welcome!

I would be curious if this bears any similarity/consistency with scientific testing kits.

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Any chance of seeing some of this? Sounds interesting.

All I ever did was mutilate Polaroids while they were developing - exposing them to heat in a toaster, rubbing parts of the surface with various tools and so on. Didn’t make that much of them because they were quite costly and lost them anyway.
Oh, and I found out that the Ilford HP5 was very sensitive to temperature change in the development process, especially when pushed to 1600 speed. If you’d rinse the film in cold water between developer and fixer it would shock off part of the emulsion from the film. Combined with the grain you’d get from pushing the HP5 it would make for interesting effects - but ultimately that was way too random to please a control freak…

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I had some of it on line on an account that I killed because the terms of use mutated in a way I didn’t like… Lemme think about whether there’s a good place to share 'em.

Ohhhh, wowwww, man, Alll the prettty collorrrssss…

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Very unlikely. The Wikipedia pages for the various reagent test kits include the colours to which they change:


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