Who cares? Bradley Manning’s case set the standard for these type of actions. Life plus ~150 years and you don’t hear anyone talking about that.
Time for a wealthy benefactor with a private plane to just fly him somewhere.
Although now that I’m thinking about it, that would be quite a genuine risk and have to be done almost entirely in secret. So much for that thought.
We’re living in an age when the President of a sovereign nation can have his plane forced down due to a mere rumor that Snowden might be aboard.
Who cares?
I do, because the chilling effect from the way our government is treating him and other whistleblowers is very palpable.
Journalists are already shrinking away from investigative journalism as we speak. And, I can assure you that there’s more whistleblowers out there who are rethinking the effect his kind of treatment will have on their families, etc. if they come forward.
Snowden’s whistleblowing is just the tip of the iceberg, don’t thwart others from coming forward by losing interest in his welfare.
Bradley Manning’s case set the standard for these type of actions. Life plus ~150 years and you don’t hear anyone talking about that.
You may be behind on boingboing’s posts. Xeni went to Manning’s trial herself and reported on it here:
And there’s been continuous updates since:
Wikileaks is working on it and the “wealthy benefactor” is people like you and me when we donate to them:
i care friend…
for all the brave dissenters…
i’d love it if putin flew him out.
no one would mess with him.
Good luck, Snow.
I know this is an unpopular opinion but Edward Snowden is the James O’Keefe of national security. Mark Klein is the true whistleblower and he stuck around instead of flinging allegations and then hopping on a plane to China.
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