Feedback on Discourse badges and BBS specific badges

A thought on more “qualitative” badges, and the potential for “nominations”.

There have been contributors who have shown two behaviors that I think ought to be encouraged by the bbs, but current badges have no way of reflecting this. and both would require a process of nomination and voting to approve their distribution.

  1. content expert - to a person who clearly has some professional knowledge, or at least specific passion for, a specific topic, and spends time setting the record straight on relevant posts. @PrestonSturges encyclopedic display of WWII and Mein Kampf knowledge made me think of this.

  2. deep researcher (gumshoe?) - to a person who does deep research into the topic discussed, reads the linked article, pulls quotes, and generally keeps the conversation rich with actual relevant details through research and thoroughness. @catgrin springs to mind for obvious reasons.

The other, just generally, when a really good comment shows up in a thread that is already long and old, and might be overlooked, or maybe is really insightful, but is in a somewhat niche thread and may be overlooked, that it could be “nominated” for a “nice post” but only achieves it if it ends up getting the subsequent likes.

These nominations could be restricted to a certain level of users, and “voting” could simply be through heart-ing the nomination.
