Ferguson: Survey says white people in US have way more confidence in police than black people

So instead of paying for the medical costs for damage that their police did. They’re going to force the family to get a lawyer and go to court. Where (hopefully/surely) they will win - costing the county significantly MORE money than just doing the right thing.

So happy to live in Georgia.

To be fair, the Libertarians seem to be pretty bitterly divided on this one. I’ve seen libertarian writers Radley Balko, Jesse Walker, and Ken White strongly supporting the Ferguson protestors.

thats a human thing. not just a white thing.

Not exactly. Whites are able to do this because being white is a privilege that white people able to dole out and revoke. When black people are being oppressed, they aren’t able to simply declare white people to be black to bolster their case (people can argue that we are all the same regardless of our skin colour, but it is a philosophical point, not a fiat). White people, at least around here, seem to be the arbiters of who is what race, at least according to white people.


Christ, like that story wasn’t fucking horrible enough to begin with. Bastards.

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I suspect the rationale might go more like this:

If we get the courts involved, we can have a court approved settlement where the county specifically admits no wrongdoing, and the family accepts it as the final remedy, forfeiting further legal claims. Further, as a condition of continued payments on the settlement, the family agrees to a non-derogation clause; they can’t spread the PR disaster by publicizing it, even if it’s purely factual.

If the county just “did the right thing”, nothing would prevent the family from taking the money and also publishing every gory detail of the botched raid.

Note: I despise the choice the county is making, I’m just trying to come up with some sort of rational (if completely amoral) explanation for it.

Sadly, that makes sense.

I’d happily follow Walter Mosley’s suggestion to give up the idea of being white altogether, if I had some idea of what that would mean and if I wasn’t sure I’d be immediately dogpiled by driving trollies morons for doing so.

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