Fewer than 10% of UK families opt into porn filters


Show me some legislation anywhere that has that the right way around.

If I remember the party line correctly, it works like this:

If the people do opt in in substantial numbers this is a demonstration of my attunement to the wishes of the people and a vindication of my program’s validity. If they don’t, then this is unmistakeable evidence for just how urgently and forcefully my program needs to be imposed, for the good of a people too depraved to handle things themselves.


I love the AOL illustration.

Given that this is going forward, and not even bomb-throwing anarchists can stop it… I wonder if some clever Brits can come up with ways to have fun with it? I have faith in you guys!

I was trying to think of something, but all I get is legislation based on lazy populism and solid evidence, and that is rare enough as it is.

I suppose something like equalising the age of consent for gay and straight people might count.

I don’t think it’s the sort of thing that we can have fun with. Maybe we can laugh when all the news sites get blocked for covering a Scunthorpe United v Arsenal FA Cup tie at Scunthorpe?

All I can do for now is make sure that I always have Tor Browser handy on one USB stick and Tails on another.

I’ll admit I have only got a stick with Tor Browser at the moment, still working on getting the Tails stick.

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