Growth Hacker Marketing, by Ryan Holiday (excerpt)



This, right now, is perfect for me - thankyou!

Thankfully, growth hacking isn’t some proprietary technical process shrouded in secrecy.

But the veil is thick enough so that this whole long article doesn’t give the slightest hint what the book is actually about. Sounds like it is a typical executive bookshelf volume on marketing or sales, long on inspirational quotes and feel-good stories, and short on any kind of advice that’s not already obvious to all practitioners.

But who knows, maybe I’m wrong about it; it’s just that from the article, there’s no way to know.

…growth hacking is more of a mind-set than a tool kit.

Oh, I see, so there isn’t anything actually operational you can get out of the book after all. No practices or anything like that, I suppose. But change your mind-set and you can succeed. Very nice.

…how even authors are using the principles in their book launches.

Sadly the principles don’t appear to have worked on me :smile:

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Yeah, I’d love to know more. This excerpt is pretty thin on details.

Aaron Ginn, the growth hacker tasked with rapidly updating the
technology behind Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign and now director
of growth at StumbleUpon, put it best: growth hacking is more of a
mind-set than a tool kit.

Can he tell us how to get hundreds of thousands of fake Twitter followers like the Romney and Gingrich campaigns?


Or how to fail completely at campaign coordination and IT integration with operations like those campaigns?

The system had major technical problems during Election Day that
prevented many volunteers from using it. It crashed periodically and
at one point was intentionally taken down when a surge of traffic from
campaign volunteers was misinterpreted as a denial of service attack.
Frustrated volunteers reported being unable to access ORCA and
criticised a lack of prior briefing, misleading instructions and
patchy on-the-day support. A Romney aide commented that “Orca is lying
on the beach with a harpoon in it.” The system’s failings have been
attributed by technology writers to a combination of factors including
not doing prior quality assurance or beta testing, inadequate
documentation and poor design.

What I want is a handbook on how to always “fall upwards” from failures.

Perhaps it has something to do with the title of the author’s previous book. The one about lying.

Might be relevant?

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