'Hello, NSA? I have lost an email, can you help me find it?'--Iranian guy in Holland

You wish to be reasonable. DRAT!

The prank phone call had it’s appeal back when I was 6 or 7 ( Prince Albert on a can, blah blah blah) and this isn’t even a good one.

No Real set up, No timing and no pay off.
It fails as a prank/troll and to claim it as one is quite silly. but as you said “Like all humour, it’s subjective”

Here’s an example of one of my favorite troll’s: Tim Conway on the Carol Burnett Show.
Tim was known to troll the rest of the cast live and did his best to break them in front of the studio audience.

And let’s be honest here. It’s not more than some switchboard operator. Claiming it as a troll on the NSA is a huge stretch and the sad part is, he could have spent some time on this and honestly, I wish he had as he maybe in a unique position to really do/say something but it come’s off as a wasted effort. [imho]

Hired one or two of the chap’s from the News of the World talent pool of hackers to get a few private cell phone numbers ( Family and so on ) but no. let’s go for the low hanging fruit.

Do it right or don’t do it at all I guess is my bottom line here.
And dear gods, don’t let this start some web cam+skype= Da Funny trend.


No, I do agree, but you have to admit that it opens up a can of worms for a website operator to say trolling what you consider evil to be ok.

But the problem is that would make it more funny for you.

We found it plenty funny enough.

You can’t please everyone :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet Xeni loves to troll. Wouldn’t surprise me if she had her own anonymised account just for trolling BB.

Trolling is fun, if done responsibly - and importantly rarely causes any harm (other than to the trollees pride).

See, That’s the point. It’s not Stalin. It’s a switchboard operator at the front desk.

my complaint is, as some one who is in that unique position and a film maker he should have spent more time / effort but come’s of as going for that low hanging fruit.

I really hope you don’t think I’m in any way connected to any government alphabet department or any political organization , Tho,that would be funny in it’s own right.

At the end of my day it was a nice idea, just wrong implantation.

I don’t know. I’ve butted heads with her on the old BoingBoing a time or two and if anything Xeni is upfront person [imho] and something like that might not be her thing.

Now her MOD’s on the otherhand…

/your mileage may vary.

Yeah, that would be funny. Lol. Cool ironclad denial bro. So let me be a little more blunt. Do you work for the government, a company that deals with public relations, or a company that works with and/or in the defense or counter terrorism industry?

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