Intellectual jokes

I’m not sure if that’s the WORST joke I’ve read in a while or there’s something that I’m missing.

Or maybe I just started off on the wrong foot because Einstein being bad at maths/school is just a popular misconception.

ohhhh, so that’s what Benoit Mandelbrot looks like. not at all how I pictured him :slight_smile:

Maybe it’s not intended to be a joke.

What are the other 8 types?


True. If so, here’s my tip for woody: Don’t re-tell the story as a joke.

cheer up her very first class, who had just all gotten a zero on their first quiz
What are the the chances a whole class got a zero on their test? I’d say zero.

A hand went up in the back. "Teacher, if he was so…
A hand went up? The student referred to their teacher as ‘teacher’? Sounds like a real story.

an hour after that she closed her mouth and went home
An hour!? Who is this woman? Is it Homer Simpson reacting to an insult?

I knew a philosophy student who was determined to get a job painting highway signs because he knew, at heart, he was an exit stencilist.


one of my favorites, from high school:

Noah Webster was kissing the maid on the back stairs when suddenly his wife appeared.

“Mr Webster! I’m surprised!”

“No, my dear, I’M surprised - you’re amazed.”


That wasn’t BBM, this is.


A mathematician and an engineer walk into a bar where they see a beautiful woman sitting on one of the stools.
She says, “If you come over here, you can have me, but every time you cover half the distance, you have to stop for a second and then continue.”
The mathematician says, “We’ll never get to her!”
The engineer says, “Eh, we’ll get close enough.”

Later, a dyslexic walks into the same bra.


You know what they say: If you don’t like intellectual jokes, don’t sign up for classes with them.

(Thank you, thank you; I’ll be elsewhere all week.)

… Actually, the best intellectual jokes I know are “long form” – songs (often filk or found-filk), or poetry, or readings.

just remembered he’s gone, eh?


No, I didn’t check the date on the posts. My derp…

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The bartender says “we don’t serve your kind here”.

A time traveler walks into a bar.

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An academic whose theories have been debunked as fraudulent… :wink:


Marxist Lenninists --> “The lightbulb contains within itself… the seed of its own revolution”

Alternate version. Great joke.

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