Kentucky man shoots wife with late-stage breast cancer "to end her suffering"

I wonder if the real problem here might have been a doc too afraid of the DEA to prescribe enough pain medicine.

Ever hear of the NSA? 'Cuz I really think that ‘incognito’ thing doesn’t mean much to them.

There is a limit to the amount of pain a person can withstand. Ideally, we figure out how to reduce that level of pain so that they can live with it. Sometimes that just doesn’t happen. I think he’s a good husband.

This is the real reason for “moral” opposition to euthanasia, assisted suicide or merely self-suicide. The majority of medical expenses, and therefore medical profit, are accrued at the end-of-life for most people. Allowing people to opt out would cost the system billions of dollar in potential revenue.

It’s sad we live in a barbaric society that doesn’t allow people to make their own informed choices about how they wish to end their lives or cope with their suffering. I have suffered from severe chronic pain for decades and I am now severely debilitated from the toll that torture has taken on my body. In the end I plan to shoot myself as well as I am denied the means to either treat my pain or end my life in a more humane manner.

Medical treatment for pain in the US is a joke as few doctors are willing to do what is necessary to relieve their patients’ pain, and those that are often make you jump through hoops for years or exploit the hell out of you before they’ll do what works.

Our medical system is not designed to provide compassionate relief for people who suffer, but to exploit them financially, particularly at the end of life. Hospice is not all it’s cracked up to be and many people suffer from acute physical and psychological distress while their deaths are unnecessarily prolonged. The idea that all you need to cope with the pain and existential angst of impending death is drugs and therapy is disturbed. Far better that people be allowed to opt out in the manner of their own choosing at at the time they feel they are most prepared to face death.


This is so awful, I just can’t even imagine. I can’t even fathom which might be worse - that he did try to give her a merciful end, or that he could have murdered a very sick woman. How are the prosecutors/courts going to sort all that out? In the absence of anything clearly stating her wishes, are they just going to have to try him for murder?

I had to pick my father’s ashes up yesterday, so all this death hits me extra hard right now.

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