Lowes replaced black driver with white one at customer request

All I can say is that I hope that the customer has a medical emergency and the first responders are all black and they’re asked to go back and the customer requests all white responders to arrive - however long that may take. :wink:


I think I’ve seen her nightmares…


Some years ago I met a man who ran a company that delivered things to people. He said, “Sometimes, you have to fire your customer.”


This bugs me.

First of all, it’s an advertisement. Not to say you don’t know that, but it’s usually out of context.

Second, consider what it’s saying - who’s serving who? Who’s having to forgive who, who’s having to put hatred aside? Who’s being forced to be the “better person” ? Who’s under threat of violence if something goes wrong?

Right, it’s staged, and I did know that. But yeah, so what? It seems to me a perfect staging of a racist’s nightmare, as envisioned by @TheSecondAmigo. Images work differently in different contexts; just because this one was originally part of an advertisment doesn’t mean it doesn’t work differently, and well, in other contexts.

What are you saying those many questions say about my posting of that photo here? Instead of questions, please just state what you’re thinking.


Several years ago, a friend and I had a discussion about how different people had prejudices against gays, different races, etc. and we thought that these people could register themselves somewhere and indicate all their prejudices so that in an emergency, their prejudices would be “respected”. So, in the case of a house fire, the responders would ensure that all crew met the requirements of the person(9s) living in the house. Of course, it might take longer to respond while they’re making these checks but I’m sure that the the dwellers in the house would want that. :wink:


In the example given, the conversation didn’t include that person. Just because two people are speaking within hearing distance of you doesn’t mean you have the right to eavesdrop on their conversation, no matter what language they’re using.


Yes. And I won’t be surprised at all if this thread nevertheless gets filled with commentary on other issues. White folks generally find it really hard to keep their eyes on this particular ball.

I think you misspelled a word here. I believe the sentence should have said " White folks generally find it really hard to keep their eyes on this particular BAIT!

Bait? What kind of bait?

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Oh! Oh! I know the answer!!!

@HerLong means race baiting!!! And the follow up is “race hustler”, I’m guessing.

Is that a bingo for white people deny racism yet again?


It is!

I was just hoping to get Herbie Long to actually come out from under the bridge and say it. :smiling_imp:


Oh, I doubt they’re done being race realists yet… give them time!

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Why is it rude? You’re not talking to the person, or talking about them. You’re not actively trying to exclude the person that doesn’t understand you, you’re simply being more efficient in speaking to your co-worker.


But but, they’re probably talking about ME!!



Actually you missed the mark completely. No bingo for you! I am talking about the “bait” thrown in everyone’s face every single day by media whore mongers who want to distract all of us. smh

Distract all of us from what?


… race hustlers? Oh!!! Maybe I was totes wrong and @HerLong meant Jade helm???


Who has to serve who? Does anybody have to serve?
There’s a difference between doing your job and serving people.

Does the KKK have to forgive black people for anything?
There’s a difference between doing your job and forgiving.

Wait… weren’t they forgiving?


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