Meet an artist doing provocative work with a VR headset


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On Erika M. Anderson:
Seems like a pretty damn cool artist and now I’d rather enjoy seeing one of her shows. Will definitely have to check out her music, the article about her made it sound quite worthwhile.

For the supporting articles:
These articles are always so weird from the perspective of someone “on the inside” of vr use but clearly on the “outside” of… wherever it is these authors come from.

You look at them and you can’t help but go “These questions are all wrong. What are they even… who would want to… why!?” They build all these frankly strange expectations into the technology. One of the articles mentioned people looking forward to using VR to… walk to the shop and buy virtual goods that would then be shipped as real goods, and I can’t help but wonder why anyone would ever want that. Did they ever really want that? And not just in the cool “wouldn’t it be cool if” way but the “oh wow I could see myself using that” way.

The same article also asks “Why are there chairs in virtual spaces?” completely unironically. It says things like “They aren’t the utopias of freedom, fluidity, and determinism we hoped for” and I wonder who the “we” is there, because it’s not me or anyone I’ve ever known, not for games in general or VR in particular.

It just seems so weird, like if someone asked “Why didn’t cellphones feed the world like we’d hoped they would? Why don’t people use food-ordering apps to call the restaurant and talk to a real person instead of just clicking things?” I wouldn’t even know how to begin answering that kind of question despite using both a phone and an app, because it’s so alien to my expectations and experience.

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