Oculus VR could have changed business reality, but they let Facebook stop them

All I have heard from “the community” is typical FUD based on a knee-jerk hate of Facebook

You obviously hear only what you want to hear.

And you have failed to provide any credible evidence. An example, good sir, is all that I ask.

You have hypocritically failed to provide any credible evidence that “all you have heard” is nothing but FUD based solely on an blind, knee-jerk hatred of Facebook. I’d like to see you support that crock of shit with sources.

You are making wild claims that no one has any valid complaints and concerns. Back it up.

provide any credible evidence. An example, good sir, is all that I ask.

Ever heard of Minecraft?

“Facebook is not a company of grass-roots tech enthusiasts. Facebook is not a game tech company. Facebook has a history of caring about building user numbers, and nothing but building user numbers,” he wrote on his website. “People have made games for Facebook platforms before, and while it worked great for a while, they were stuck in a very unfortunate position when Facebook eventually changed the platform to better fit the social experience they were trying to build.”


Who hates the Facebook/Oculus deal? Kickstarter backers

(You know, those knee-jerk FUD merchants you mentioned?)





There quite a bit more, you know, if you bother to actually listen to a community of people instead of focusing on being an apologist for corporate greed.