Oversight: the future of bland, corporate ubiquitous surveillance

That’s right. They need an incentive. Perhaps a percentage of goods seized?

I’m not forgetting them. All you need to understand corporate cronyism and fascism is to assume that people are self-interested. (A difficult leap, I know.) Once you make that assumption, and apply it to politicians, then none of that sort of thing will surprise you any more. Indeed, you will expect it unless there is evidence to the contrary. The fairy tale of “good governance” does not exist - there are only those who seek power and their supporters.

Also take careful note of who benefitted you in this situation (a corporation, the Independent, who broke the original news and outed the criminals) and who was committing a crime (the Serious Crime Agency, their masters, and their crony supporters).

so you’re saying I should incorporate for immunity from prosecution and that’s just the way it is what with (as @brainspore done said) ‘all of these law things’ cluttering up the memeplex.

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