Rand Paul: solve vaccination issues by making children into property

But in this case, we’re not just talking about something that affects individual children, we’re talking about something that affects the population as a whole, which is precisely the responsibility of the state. If you, as a responsible adult, want to harm or allow harm to yourself, that’s your option. But the moment your choice harms or introduces a significant risk of harming others, that’s not okay. It should be no different when it comes to decisions made by kids, or by parents on their behalf.

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wow. what an ass.

You’re reducing the disagreement to individual rights vs collective rights, and that’s part of the problem.

You take for granted that the state is the natural and legitimate institution for solving collective problems.
Many people do not. If you tell these people that they need to embrace collectivism by empowering the government to make decisions for them, a good deal of them will decide “Well I don’t trust the government, therefore fuck collectivism. Individual rights!” By drawing the battle lines this way, you’re practically inviting this response.

It is possible to solve collective problems without involving the state or coercive power at all. If we had more developed systems for collective problem-solving outside of state coercion, maybe people wouldn’t have such a hostile reaction when you ask them to think or act collectively.


Shrilly. Say it loud and proud.

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Now that y’all have been cleansed by a proper U-chaser.
Reading Roald Dahl out loud should be required to decline MMR vax | Dr. Jen Gunter

Roald Dahl’s daughter, Olivia, died from the measles at the age of 7. His recounting of it and plea for vaccination is heartbreaking. If we are going to continue ridiculous personal exemptions then parents should be required to read his statement out loud in front of the child who isn’t going to get vaccinated to get the form signed. We make women read all kinds of things to get abortions, so the precedent is set.
Olivia, my eldest daughter, caught measles when she was seven years old. As the illness took its usual course I can remember reading to her often in bed and not feeling particularly alarmed about it. Then one morning, when she was well on the road to recovery, I was sitting on her bed showing her how to fashion little animals out of coloured pipe-cleaners, and when it came to her turn to make one herself, I noticed that her fingers and her mind were not working together and she couldn’t do anything.

“Are you feeling all right?” I asked her.

“I feel all sleepy,” she said.

In an hour, she was unconscious. In twelve hours she was dead.


So now he can be blamed for the Red Wedding?

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And a reminder of why high uptake is required for vaccination to benefit:

Edit: Not intended as a reply to @crenquis. Hit the wrong reply.

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Children only have rights before they are born. After they’re born, they’re property. Is that such a hard concept to understand?


Likewise, a female is property of her mother from conception until birth, of her father until she gets marred off, and then, of her husband, until she dies, preferably in the act of childbirth.

What a brilliant turn of phrase! Grotesque, but brilliant.

I’ll be looking for an opportunity to insert that line into conversation :stuck_out_tongue:


logorrhea? Perhaps not as foul as diarrhea, but distressing nonetheless.


Well if you can’t tell I’m not a fan of most people in politics on both sides. I’ve grown tired of those who continue to write checks with their words that their voting record and actions don’t back up. Especially on issues that should be no brainers.


Via: Imgur


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