Sam Bankman-Fried imprisoned for 25 years and ordered to pay $11.2bn

He really did that? The guy is even more disgusting that I thought. He could have gone to 11 and claim that it was due to him being a Jew…


More to reduce his sentence, but using it to attempt to avoid consequences either way. Gross.


Considering the FTX has supposedly recovered a significant amount of its assets in bankruptcy, why is SBF on the hook for $11.2 billion? Not saying he doesn’t deserve a fine in addition to jail time, but it’s more money than he can possibly pay back, unless he starts a bogus twitter clone…


What still scares me a little? He’s only 32, so he could be out at 57. He could still have plenty of life left post-prison to do a lot more damage. The unpayable fine leading to never-ending garnishments will help, but still. Assuming that the Earth hasn’t become completely uninhabitable in 25 years, he will potentially be able to recruit an army of just-out-of-college, soulless tech bros (and/or marks) who are being born as we speak.


I saw your reply after I finished mine, but the fact that it’s a fine so big that it’s almost impossible to get out from underneath it might be as much preventative as performative. It will slow him down when he tries to start his new scam (or the same one) at age 57.


Exactly. It’s not the damage you cause or the crimes you committed that count, it’s how much damage you did to the bottom line of rich and powerful people.


… and there we see Wired Magazine attributing its own “ruinous philosophy” to other people :roll_eyes:


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