Spaghetti-Os remembers Pearl Harbor in the most crass and tasteless way imaginable

URLs are case-sensitive. Try it with an O and a G rather than with an o and a g.

I really wanted the story to be about the Titanic to score the twofer, but oh well.

Also that kamikazes had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor. They didn’t start doing that until late in the war.

N.B. Why is it still okay to order a Kamikaze at a bar but bartenders tend to get pissy about Irish Car Bombs?

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Sorry, but I think this is over-reactionary. What exactly about the attack on Pearl Harbor are people, most of whom have no direct relationship with Pearl Harbor, taking offense to? Last I heard, Gitmo is still operating, just as an example. People could do better to not undermine their own credibility by getting too worked up about a freaking Spaghettio waving a US flag.

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December 7, 1941. A day that will live in infamy. And tomato sauce.

ETA: I’m actually craving Spaghetti-Os now. Or maybe canned ravioli. Damn them it worked!

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People who order kamikazes tip better, on average.

Because one is a waste of perfectly good Guinness.


I fail to see the problem. Tasteless is exactly how I would describe Spaghetti-Os


This is really a bummer for me. I spent a lot of time in the hospital growing up, and when I was so sick of hospital food I just couldn’t take it anymore, my mom would bring me spaghetti-o’s in a thermos. To this day, they are my comfort food of choice whenever I’m really feeling down about life. Thanks for ruining that, Spaghetti-Os. Fuck.

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i know, right? I go every couple of weeks, but if I don’t see the icon up there, I’ll forget to check at all. she hasn’t updated since springtime if memory serves ( ._.)

huh. I just clicked the link which brought me to “problem loading page,” then replaced the [slash] with a / in the address bar and enter. I guess firefox switched the case? but yeah, you’re right, that was the problem. I saw it via the other link by now, though.

Thanks @wygit! Oh, its the same image from the post. Duh. I’m dumb.

Perhaps a somber spaghetti-O, cap in hand, hand against heart, head bowed in prayer… nope. There’s just no way to juxtapose spaghetti-O’s with Pearl Harbor without offending basically everyone.

Maybe if the spaghetti-O in the image had a rising sun flag the “facial” expression might be more appropriate.

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Don’t see any problem. From a non-Usian perspective it seems like the normal way to remember some sort of special occasion in the US: Furious flag-waving and lots of chest-thumping.


An American couple walks into a pub in Ireland and asks the bartender for two Irish carbombs. The bartender says they don’t serve those as they are offensive in Ireland but since he feels bad he will give them two shots on the house for not knowing any better. The bartender makes two flaming shots and puts them in front of the couple.

The couple says “Thanks, what are they?”

The bartender replies with “Those are our best drink, we call it Twin Towers.”


To be fair, the chest thumping is a byproduct of the flag waving. Brought on by what we call, “Spaghetti-Obesity”

Because bartenders are Irish, not Japanese?
//Do I really need a sarcasm tag?

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Fun fact: the Spagetti-O’s shape was invented by engineers at Campbells. They were playing with O-Rings and thought it was cool how they could be nested.

How else could spaghettio-os do anything except “tastelessly”? (Or flavorlessly, anyway.)

If you know and love pasta (and I mean pasta) Spaghetti-Os are an abomination anyway.
The ad is just stupid.

Wrigleyville. Need I say more?