UK Home Secretary secretly charters private jet to (unsuccessfully) deport dying man to Nigeria

Thank you for taking this asshat to task @miasm, I don’t have the energy today ;). The smooth sounding reasonableness of people devoid of conscience never ceases to give me the heebie-jeebies. “Of course we needed to drive the poor and their children into the sea, who would’ve paid for their housing otherwise?” As if life begins and ends with monetary concerns when lives are at stake, and as if there isn’t enough money to save a poor old man when the banksters continue to walk away with trillions of wasted dollars. If “danegeld” took half the concern for the money stolen by the banksters perhaps he could find the spare change in his couch cushions to pay for this poor old man’s asylum.

The only way to describe this type of disgusting inhumanity masquerading as technocratic practicality is evil.