Underrated and overrated films (and other general filmy chat)

Sorcerer: @Kimmo fingered it before I did (Violent Road), and good on ya for that, because both of these movies…wow. Tension doesn’t come close to summing up the action. The thesaurus in Apple’s Dictionary app lists these as synonyms:

strain, stress, anxiety, pressure; worry, apprehensiveness, apprehension, agitation, nerves, nervousness, jumpiness, edginess, restlessness; suspense, uncertainty, anticipation, excitement; informal heebie-jeebies, butterflies (in one’s stomach), collywobbles.

…and none of them does either of these movies justice. BTW…collywobbles? Well, fine.

Is it moot to thank all the contributors in this thread? Outstanding taste in cinema, folks…except for the Armageddon/Deep Impact lovers. You’re dead to me.