From henceforth I shall give my servants a crown rather than the usual four shillings for I am in all truth a generous man. (Do not praise me for my beneficence for I am humble as well as modest, despite the fortunate accident of my birth.) My true reward shall be in heaven where undoubtedly an intricately carved rococo harp, filigreed and embedded with rubies awaits me. Because Jesus.
Regrettably, the 4. Earl of Sandwich didn’t come up with something like the Big Mac Index.
So close, so close…
He sounds quite fun.
I’ve been a fan of Futility Closet for a long time. I loved their podcasts, before the cat died and Sharon got sick. I’m not surprised Greg stopped posting, but I’m glad he started again. My wife used to particularly like the logic puzzles on the podcasts.
I never listened to one. I couldn’t get past the endless advertising and asking for money to get to any actual content that would allow me to decide whether I wanted to subscribe.
No point asking me for money when asking me for money is all that I get to hear. I tried a couple because people seem to like it.
Samuel Johnson said of Chesterfield’s letters that “they teach the morals of a w___e, and the manners of a dancing-master.”
I think he was not a fan.
(the word “w___e” is an archaic and derogatory term for a sex worker that the forum software will not let me post. Even if the celebrated wit and lexicographer said it first)
Being entirely lacking in humor is no laughing matter.
Fuck that guy. He sounds like the type who also questioned whether women have intellects, or souls.
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