2 million gallons of molasses wreaked havoc in Boston in 1919


Wreak Havoc…where have we heard that name before?

(This is a Chickenman joke that I’m sure nobody else will get, but what the heck.)

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[quote=“d_r, post:22, topic:92801”]a Chickenman
I am in your debt. I don’t get the joke now but I will.

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That’s kind of the election in a nutshell.


Kinda like, “Hey, your peanut butter is stuck in my chocolate!..Oh Yeah! Well your chocolate is stuck all in my peanut butter!”…

…except nobody dies in my scenario.


HaHa, first thing I thought of, but didn’t find the pic.

His flunky was very helpful, I believe he ratted out the kid who leaked the molasses by explaining, “I told him I wouldn’t do that If I was you”.

[quote=“dfaris, post:14, topic:92801”]
Some people claim that you can still smell the remnants of the molasses…
[/quote] Those people are confused, that’s the smell of cannoli.
it’s my 'hood


Molasses … an accident waiting to happen.


Once upon a time, I lived in a small Central American town. In the dry season, they would spray molasses (mixed with water I assume) onto the dirt roads to keep the dust down. It worked but the smell was a bit much when it was 100 degrees and I was walking everywhere.


move your asses, here comes the molasses!


The molasses itself would have been warmer though:

The researchers found that at the time of the collapse, the air temperature would have been around 41 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius). The molasses, however, had arrived from the Caribbean to top off the tank only two days before the flood, and was likely a balmy 50 to 68 degrees F (10 to 20 degrees C) when it was first delivered. Boston winter temperatures would have cooled the molasses down, but it would still likely have been a few degrees warmer than the surrounding air, Sharp said.

Apparently the greater viscosity of the molasses due to the cold temperatures would have made it much more difficult for rescue teams and might have led to some of the deaths. When the molasses arrived, they pumped it into the bottom of the tank, which already had cold molasses inside (so unless the researchers took that into account, they are underestimating the temperature drop). The tank would groan at these times, and after leaks became visible on the outside after the first few fillings, they painted the tank brown. During the last filling, people reported hearing rivets popping due to the pressure. I’m surprised that only two of the deaths were women (one of whom was a child). I suppose it was an industrial area, but I would not want to be trapped in molasses in heavy winter skirts. Some nurses from the Red Cross even dove into the molasses, while others tended to the injured, keeping them warm and keeping the exhausted workers fed.

The company was probably in a particular rush to process this molasses into ethanol, since it was just before Prohibition started. They initially blamed the accident on anarchists, since at least some of the ethanol would have been used for munitions.


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