256 bytes of code generate this spooky fractal city

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/10/256-bytes-of-code-generate-this-spooky-fractal-city.html


It’s always been an absolute mystery to me how the hell these demos manage to create such elaborate graphics with so few bytes of code. I just… I don’t… how?! And they get more and more elaborate over time, too, so my level of bafflement just increases.

That’s also a pretty interesting landscape - it looks like a low-res version of something from a (good) movie or video game, yet it could be described in the equivalent of a short sentence…


I love how this demo relies on human hardwired pareidolia to fill in the detail.


There was the Mandelbrot set. Then decades passed, and now this. Hope I am around for the next. Frankly more interesting than another eclipse.

no offense, but someone who actually experienced an eclipse for themselves, would never say this.

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