No, they want to field a candidate that moderate Republicans want to vote for and then tell you to suck it up and vote for them too, 'cos if you think that candidate’s bad, you should see the other guy.
My god that word has been through the wash, hasn’t it?
Anyone want to get try and Jimmy Carter to run again?
your sarcasm is noted but irrelevant. the democrats are currently fielding two candidates each with pluses and minuses in their records and either of whom would make a world of improvement over any of three sociopaths left on the republican trail. if you think it really doesn’t matter whether the president is hillary or trump or cruz or kasich then you are demonstrating that those consequences don’t matter to you, that the suffering of millions of real people are irrelevant in your quest for , i don’t know, your quest for what exactly? purity? exact ideological matching?
the problem with your argument here is that the other guys are truly awful. if reproductive freedom, civil rights enforcement, the right to unionize, maintaining the affordable care act, protection of the rights of the lgbt community, protection of the environment, or any of dozens of issues with which there are clear and unmistakable differences between the two parties are of any importance to you then to sit out or vote for a third party candidate rather than the democrat in the race, whether clinton or sanders, is to place all of that in jeopardy. if you would rather have sanders, fine, get out there and organize. if your state hasn’t come up yet, get out there and vote or caucus and convince like-minded people to do the same. if your state has already gone by, it’s not too late to give money to his campaign. i’d love for sanders to be the nominee, i voted for him in our primary, i’ve donated money to his campaign. but if hillary is the nominee, i will vote for her in a heartbeat because by god or the fsm i am not going to allow a republican to take the presidency if i can do anything to stop it.
You live in Texas, don’t you?
Does your vote for President matter at all? Is there any reason not to vote with your conscience?
And I’m not going to critcise anyone for voting for Clinton, for any reason. I totally get the idea of voting for any Dem, I understand it. But I won’t ask anyone to vote a way they’re not comfortable with. And I surely won’t blame people who vote Green if in the end the Dems lose a state narrowly. And in most places it doesn’t make a blind bit of difference anyway.
From the “facts you pulled out of your ass” file?
Citizens United benefits the GOP far more than it does the Dems.
Yeah, and oh, yeah.
as a texan my vote in november does not matter much but my vote in the primary did. and my cash contribution does too.
for good or ill, the 16 years i’ve spent pondering the difference that a narrow loss in the state of florida made to our country’s history will make it impossible for me to do anything but heap criticism and blame on people who end up throwing the election to whichever of the three sociopaths still running for the republican nomination ends up on the ballot in november. particularly on those who think that the republican party has gone insane but the democratic candidate just everything they want.
Does this tactic of convincing people to do what you want work a lot for you? Maybe you could mention my mother while we’re at it.
Updated: I live in California so it doesn’t matter just like your Texas doesn’t matter for the purposes of this. Califorians will vote in a ham sandwich if it has a “(D)” next to its name. Thanks for being a dick about it though. I salute you.
Ashes. That’s the problem: we may be talking literal ashes.
We need to start being adults again. We need to start having a functional government again. We’re in a ginormous hole and have to stop digging NOW.
If that means voting for the lesser of two evils, then that’s what we do, because we can’t take another 4 years of evil.
They said that eight and four years ago too. So what’s changed or got better since then?
Hmm…Gitmo…drone strikes…extrajudicial execution of American citizens…TPP…NSA spying on all Americans…
Yeah, we’re doing great. Let’s say on course.
You know that I’ve literally heard this argument in every election since I became eligible to vote 26 years ago and everything just continues its long slide to oligarchy and the destruction of the middle class.
Do you do that for all 3 million that voted Green in 2000, the 100K who voted Green in Florida in 2000, or just 500 of them?
And basically, you don’t think any party to the left of the Democrats should exist at all?
(or if they do, nobody who agrees with them should ever vote for them)
“After Hitler, our turn!” - Communist Party of Germany, c. 1931
if i’m emphatic it’s because i remember hearing arguments like yours during the election between bush and gore in 2000. electing bush made a profound difference then so i have neither sympathy nor patience for arguments like that any more. i would prefer sanders as the nominee too but i also know that if he is not the nominee that i will support the democratic candidate. i will support the democratic candidate because the alternative will mean electing the republican candidate which will result in a worsening of our society, a worsening of our governance, and the suffering of millions.
From the “blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention” file.
Yes, the GOP draws more money via Citizen’s United than the Dems. So what? That has no bearing on the fact that both party establishments are wholly-owned corporate tools, and that the Clintons have a long history of eagerly embracing this situation.
You play the game with the rules allowed…to follow any other course would be denying you and your supporters a LEGAL means of achieving the nomination.
Any one who holds onto the reed of self righteousness , is at best naive or a fool.
It Is Politics, with a capital P , folks. It is not a schoolyard where one can yell, It’s not fair…
Hillary is playing the highest stake game there is…and the alternative may be worse than the National Socialist’s taking over the Reichstag. Germany was weak in the 30’s . America is not.
Come back when you have actual facts. Rants don’t impress me.
at this point, probably all 3 million.
i’d be delighted to see a party to the left of the democratic party but given the structure of the system it will be hard for it to happen. i would expect to see the republican party fracture into two parties before a successful party to the left of the democrats arises. it could be that in the aftermath of that kind of crack-up, the more centrist democrats and the establishment republican group might find common ground in a new party with the democratic party becoming a more liberal party by the departure of the centrists. in that case we’d have three parties, a leftist democratic party, a center-right democratic-republican party, and a far right tea party republican party. without a change in the legal structure of the election system, however, this would be an unstable equilibrium which would resolve to two parties within 10-20 years.
Doctorow’s hyperbolic paranoia isn’t evidence of anything but his own bad faith and ignorance.
The only thing missing from your idiotic dissapoint is the projecting “I”.
Because they’re people who
a) cared enough to vote.
b) probably preferred Gore to win.
c) are the group who’s most similar to the Bernie supporters saying they won’t vote for Hillary.
Of course she’s trying. The problem is she also has to appeal to the people outside the base who aren’t sure if they should vote for Hillary or Trump/Cruz.
The people who vote in primaries are different than the people who vote in the general election, there are people who were legitimately undecided whether they should vote for Obama or McCain/Romney. If Hillary moves too far left she loses those people and loses the election.
Hell, just as a general principal I think national leaders should represent the electorate as a whole, not just their base. On those grounds alone I support Hillary over Sanders because there’s a huge portion of the country who really doesn’t want what Sanders is proposing and in a Democracy compromise is best.
Quietly go along with corruption, or you can’t possibly be elected.
That’s why Bernie hasn’t been able to win a single primary.