3D-printed gun pioneer accused of sexually assaulting a child

This places him as a runner, instead of a martyr.


I don’t give a fuck about this guy, or Libertarians.

I do give a fuck about 3D printing, so for the sake of that I’m glad this guy is out of the picture since he was the one pressing the issue for some terrible legislation to be passed limiting 3D printing with some kind of cumbersome “don’t print anything dangerous” nannyware that would fuck up the whole technology race, and lock it into the hands of the big guys like DRM

My point was about the Feds and how they deal with troublemakers, whether you happen to like their brand of trouble or not.

Yeah. So you think it was intentional?

Who knows? But it was certainly helpful to the perception.

Feds or no, the last thing I’d want is to enable a molester’s image as the “true victim”.


It wasn’t “The Feds” who “wiped away” this fellow. It was Austin police, properly following a report of underage sex trafficking. Instead of reading Ars Technica, which very properly links to the local reports on which it bases its own take, I suggest you read the original reporting.

You’ll find you have the wrong end of the stick. They weren’t already watching him, for example, the surveillance footage was from cameras in and near the cafe in which he met the underage girl he later paid for sex.

It has Not. One. Thing. To do with him going against the gummint. And everything to do with driving trollies SugarWhatsit for the youngest youn’un he could get.

Edit to add:
Who is this “they” that “made the announcement”? In order to get a warrant to view the footage and corroborate the girl’s story and then get another warrant for his arrest, police had to file documents. Local papers (sometimes, still) have a reporter whose sole job is to watch for interesting filings that give an early tip-off to something interesting.

Warrant to Check Surveillance Footage at Sleazy Motel and Innocuous Coffee Shop would certainly be worth buying a clerk a sandwich for. And thus the local newspaper broke the story about the time the arrest warrant was issued. Others picked up the story. Then the police had a press conference to contain what they could and curb rumor.


What stick!? Please read my previous responses. I’m not trying to argue with you.

The wanted poster You linked to! Was US Marshals.

That is federal.

Interestingly enough I shared that earlier in a similarly pointless argument and it got flagged and deleted.:roll_eyes:

The video in the Ars post, it was near the bottom if I recall. I can’t link it on my phone.

The poster was issued after it was confirmed that he was in Taiwan. Because local PD can’t do an international manhunt all by themselves, they called in the Marshalls. So it still doesn’t help your Revenge of the Feds narrative.

The video in the Ars post was local footage of the police press conference after the story had broken.


So do I. The evil federal government may think he’s a troublemaker, but they’re only involved in this case because the Austin PD asked for its help in a perfectly legitimate and open and standard way to retrieve him for a warrant concerning a crime that’s not directly related to 3D gun printing.

So the moral of the story isn’t “the feds are gonna go after you if you displease them” (your first claim) or “always check ID when you pay someone for sex” (your second claim) but the moral everyone else here went to: “the local cops are going to go after you if you seek out sex with underage people”, followed by “surprise, the Libertarian who wants to defy the nanny state when it comes to firearms also wants to defy it when it comes to paid sex with underage girls.”

As people have told you numerous times, it is the Austin, TX police that wants him in custody and issued the arrest warrant for sexually assaulting a minor. When a fugitive with a warrant flees overseas a local police department will often ask for the help of the federal government as there are matters like extradition treaties and sovereignty of other countries involved.

In this case he was arrested in Taiwan by their authorities and held pending extradition. The U.S. Marshals (federal agents) were asked by the Austin PD (a municipal agency) to retrieve him.

Now either you’re really unclear on this concept of law enforcement jurisdictions or you want to make this story about some kind of federal government vendetta. Let us know which one and we can all continue from there.


Isn’t he from a state that still thinks sex toys should be illegal? Or does that only apply to ones that give women pleasure?

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I understand juris diction.

Maybe I am overly suspicious of the workings of authority and power, or maybe the bulk of people in this forum are quick to condemn simply because they did’t like what he was doing.

I can’t imagine that phone calls weren’t made by the police after they realized they had someone of some political significance potentially hooked.

He didnt flee, he was in Taiwan when they announced it. As I questioned before, was the timing of that a SNAFU or a strategy? Did they want to get the Feds involved. Or make a bigger splash? Or encourage him to stay out of the country?

I wonder if the girl had any other clients, and how their cases are being treated in comparison.

I wonder what kind of pressure was and is being put on her because of the leverage on him. ( The pressure from Feds and politicians often creates collateral damage )

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Jason Momoa is a much better topic, IMHO…



I was a prostitute for twenty years. She is 100% correct in her assertions. No man engages in prostitution for the sex. It’s always a creepy manipulative powertrip, 100% of the time. There are no “nice” tricks. Sorry to have to call you out on your bullshit, Trick.


Your personal suspicions about a conspiracy orchestrated by the federal government and the Questions you’re Just Asking don’t change the facts of the case that you continue to ignore.


In custody now. I sure hope the little slap on the wrist he gets won’t hurt too much.

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