58 killed and at least 515 injured by gunman in Vegas

‘Insane carousel’ is how I would describe the comments on the Breitbart articles this morning.

The slightly less crazy folks are in a flamewar with the really crazy folks. The people saying “sanctuary cities are to blame”, and " it’s not the shooters, it is the people setting them off" are getting called paid Russian trolls, and the people calling that are getting called paid libtard protesters. And so on and so forth, all the way down.


Ideally you ARE the professional help.


Oh, and BTW

International Day of Non-Violence
2 October

The International Day of Non-Violence is marked on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence.



Lets say we went the Australia route and decided to ban the majority of guns, or lets say rifles. That would be a logistical nightmare because there’s already so many guns in the country, and not all gun collections have the same purpose. They can be active use collections or people who collect guns of historical significance and might occasionally use them but they’re more for display purposes. What do you do with those guns? Do you plug the barrel up and ruin their value? Etc.

My personal thoughts on guns lies in responsible ownership and handling, and no BS information and training. However that doesn’t gel with the real world it seems, and if it were decided today to get rid of all guns i would not care.


How do I get in on this paid troll gig?


I can imagine a few other options, but I’ve seen a lot of movies set in Las Vegas. Speculation is useful only because some of our mouths want to make noises to try to make this reality go away.


I tip my hat off to you that you can even venture to the Breitbart realm of insanity to report this back.

You earned a vacation.


Move to Russia?


They can have their hunting guns, and maybe even a handgun for personal protection, because the West is still Far and whatever; but that right there was some Falluja shit. Even terrorist cells don’t pack that sort of heat, how the fuck is it still sold in the middle of a country that has never even see any land invasion?!?!?!? Where the last civil war was fought 150 years ago?!?!?! It just defies any rational explanation.


Nope. We could just ban the sale of ammunition.


I am not knowledgeable to play devil’s advocate. But honestly, fuck guns. I’ll take my chances in a sword fight.


Those don’t really matter, they don’t go RATTATATATATAT and kill hundreds of people in minutes. Europe invented guns and we didn’t just destroy them all when we started limiting ownership to the military. Even a Vietnam-era gun, possibly the last generation that could pass for historical, is likely shit enough by now that leaving them around won’t make any significant difference.

But the crap you hear in those videos, that stuff is nowhere near historical and should just go.


I long for a world where gun violence is labelled as such, instead of needing a motivation to matter to a greater or lesser degree.


One of the more similar shootings to this one that I can think of, though, is Charles Whitman in 1966. And he had no ideological motivation that anyone could discern; the leading explanation for his actions seems to be that he had a brain tumor.
As for the IS claim I would hardly take it seriously. I’d expect them to claim any mass shooting whether or not they knew anything about it.


#LasVegasShooting Kill the Silencer Bill! https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/2406

Call you rep and have this bill removed immediately.

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Sure. It doesn’t change the nature of the act though, or IMHO, answer the question of why weapons capable of so much destruction have any reason to exist outside the military.


They, and Al Qaeda before them had a long history of claiming attacks they had nothing to do with. I would even say, given their motivations, it is a perfectly rational choice; they would be stupid not to.


The people shouting, “Not terrorism! Just a random loony!” can suck it. This administration has radicalized white dudes the same way ISIS radicalizes the men in their countries. We should not be surprised when either group commits violent acts. And we should not trivialize those acts because of the harsh truths they reveal about the governments that are (at least partially) responsible.


There are counter arguments one can make for silencers. If anything it makes guns less lethal at range because it forces the gun to leave the muzzle at a subsonic range. The shooter loses stopping power and accuracy. If some idiot slapped one on their rifle thinking it’ll turn them into a super stealthy assassin they’re in for a rude awakening. Also its not exactly difficult making homemade silencers.

That being said, i don’t think we need to be focusing on lessening restrictions for silencers or guns right now. We need to be making it harder to get them.


The ones I’ve seen are, paraphrased: “He could have done the same thing with a car or a truck.” i.e. plowing it into the crowd. Easy access to high-powered guns is never the issue. It’s always something else.