70% of millennials would vote for a socialist

Or maybe it is a call back to the political party it came from, founded 118 years ago.



Them’s triggerin’ words! rushes to keyboard with fresh vat of opinion to spew


We’ve been over this before.

That may have been their intent, but all they showed is that the younger one is, the more likely it is that one thinks capitalism in its current form has failed one and that not all socialism is the Soviet brand.


Kids these days.

What percentage of Boomers would/did vote for an authoritarian?


I’m glad to see that there’s an earlier precedent for the handshake. I didn’t mean to suggest that the DSA intentionally copied the SED emblem, only that they had arrived at something similar.

(The handshake in the SED emblem isn’t simply a piece of conventional socialist iconography. It represents the merger of the Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party in the Soviet occupation zone, the future East Germany, which was forced through by the Soviet government.)

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70% of millennials BETTER vote, that’s all i’m sayin


In other news, only .1% of millennials will bother to vote.

0.1% of 20-40 year olds?


It wouldn’t surprise me; but I think that behavior is part of a broader theme:

Capitalism reacted to the collapse of essentially all it’s competitors much as a good capitalist might have told you it would: by using their position of commanding monopoly power for rent seeking while abandoning even the pretense of needing to maintain customer satisfaction because they no longer have competitors.

At the same time, its fanboys have spiralled into the sort of paranoid hypersensitivity that you usually refer to an immunologist. They are still itching to fight the ear against communism; but now all the places that call themselves ‘communist’ are just authoritarian capitalism and ‘communism’ at home amounts to a modest disagreement about marginal tax rates and welfare benefits; so their attacks increasingly target what would historically have been seen as healthy tissue(eg. the people pushing interpretations of mandatory binding arbitration that essentially negate contract law as we know it); or just end up sounding nuts.

Actual communism wasn’t what you’d call a success story for the ages for those living under it; but having it around seems to have done wonders when it comes to reminding the elites of capitalist society that offering a slice of the pie large enough to get at least the middle class behind you(and, incidentally, have such an exotic species) was relatively cheap and smooth compared to the real alternatives that could potentially befall them.


Red and handshake are like in 90% socialist party logo. It’s really not a big deal.


My bad mixed up democratic socialists and social democrats.

They were about 25% of the voters in the last Presidential election.


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