You’re sending mixed signals. Hating oneself is a Conservative hallmark. All that pent up frustration about having to deny your true feelings because you must maintain a properly morale and righteous image.
Are you kidding? This kind of unnecessary genderfication of things happens all the time.
More so, if you’re French.
But they’re only interested in different things because of products like this telling them so. Do you think this stark difference in taste of toys between children of different genders existed 200 years ago (Edit: Maybe it did a little, on reflection, but not to the same extent, children were children, gender near irrelevant, because they’re just children)? Even the whole pink/blue thing is a odd phenomenon that doesn’t even predate the victorian era. Considering that was a time when there were more gender issues, not less, that should demonstrate something.
I suppose you also think that cleaning products are for girls and tools are for boys? Where does the gender stereotyping become inappropriate for you exactly?
Grammar joke?
I approve.
In the interest of avoiding sexism shouldn’t “boycott” be renamed to “boy/girl-cott”?
I guess all womens magazines and lads magazines will be taken off the shelves next? Oddly enough, womens magazines - bought by women - are amongst the most sexist publications out there.
The best kind.
Isn’t the God of irony just the regular God. if you believe (your choice) and look around it seems so. Even impersonal universe seems to do it. I also assume they put the books back.
I suppose you also think that cleaning products are for girls and tools are for boys?
But of course! That was proven scientifically in experiments with chimps where the females all ran towards mops and embroidery kits while the males picked the cars and LEGO. Just face it: It’s Nature.
(snark warning, just in case)
Yes and no. Girls brains are structured quite differently. Forcing them to like the same things as boys, and visa versa, is politically correct ridiculousness.
except that people complaining about the book is what got it pulled, not people petitioning to to be pulled or any overt action of censorship. people complained and management capitulated.
Btw, book burning isn 't the solution to your perception.
Well, obviously. Nobody who really wants these books is going to face insurmountable difficulty in getting them. That’s not quite the point.
This particular bookstore is a teeny microcosm of the whole freedom/repression conflict. What happened there is presented as a triumph of a child’s outrage against sexism. It is, I believe, a Very Good Thing when we can let our children discover that their opinions matter, and that if they give voice to those opinions, they can change the world in some way, however small. But the value of this lesson is diluted, I think, by teaching them that if they think a particular book is “wrong” or “bad,” then it would be a good thing to make it even slightly more difficult for other readers to obtain it.
I completely understand. I burst into tears whenever I encounter a book I don’t agree with too. Unfortunately no-one cares, because I’m a guy. But by all means, everyone’s choice of reading material should be determined by a committee of hypersensitive 8-year old girls.
Oh come’on who doesn’t see this for what it is…a parent with an Agenda. Her kid is 8 and she has such prominent thoughts about sexism? What kind of sexism does an 8year old face that isn’t pushed by her parents. If you look at this “authors” site you see she even said her 8 year old posted a review online in the UK.
My question to parents “Ever know an 8 year old that would be so focused on something they would write a review of it?”
This is why agenda driven parents are so dangerous…they talk about kids being taught bad things but think nothing of indoctrinating them into their own beliefs. Besides…it is more likely this woman is using her kid to drum up book sales.
Speaking as a father of a boy and a girl, I can categorically say that it’s not “boys like some things, and girls like some things”. It’s “everybody likes different things”. My son plays with lots of traditionally girly toys that my daughter doesn’t like, and vice versa, and they both have certain toys from their own traditional gender roles that they like and dislike. We didn’t force anything on either of them, we just bought them toys that they showed interest in.
I too have children, and I can say with assurance that there is that GENERALLY there marketed difference in the perceptions and behavior of boys and girls.
My girl likes dinosaurs and my boy likes to cook but that does not mean that we should burn books that do not tow the line of gender neutrality.
If my kids want to trade books that is fine it doesn’t matter if it’s written for a boy or a girl.
A single author or a publisher does not have to represent all viewpoints, they can represent one viewpoint. You can find your other viewpoint from another publisher or author.
It’s not the author or the publisher’s job to represent all people all the time for all reasons.
Homogenizing everything is not going to fix anything.
Book burning? Turn down the melodrama.
Men and women’s brains do work differently, yes - but not in a princesses
vs dinosaurs kind of way. That’s in your head, not the children’s.
You understand that there was a reason behind the complaint? I’m assuming you don’t because that added context makes your entire comment moot.