8478 out of 8838 subreddits go private protest of Reddit fees

They’re fixated on going public, and they can just smell that fuck you money like it was in their hands.


I’m gonna come clean and admit I’m a bored panda user. I have no idea how bp gets its content and i find that a little troubling. But they bring me content from places i won’t touch with a ten foot pole, twitter, and edit it down to top the top responses and then let users comment on the responses i often find the content dull but the humor and insightfulness to be excellent.

The thing I don’t buy is the plan where everyone needs to pay the same crazy rate. Plenty of companies charge more for different uses of the same data (personal, academic and commercial is a common split).

I cant think of any reason they couldn’t try to sell API acess for AI training at some absurd multiple of the cost for other uses.


Going public isn’t the plan anymore. The IPO attempts fizzled. Their intent now is to get acquired. Or fold. They are bleeding money and have hit the end of the funding and the runway.


He’s absolutely not wrong in that assertion; it’s his implication that the post-fuss period will be largely identical to the pre-fuss period, except more obedient, that seems less certain.

I’d be curious to know where he sits on the “understands it full well; but the inevitably-leaked-memo demands an upbeat assessment” vs. “genuinely doesn’t realize that his real problem is that the users he’s pissing off are where the value actually comes from” spectrum.


“And I think, on Reddit, the analogy is closer to the landed gentry: The people who get there first get to stay there and pass it down to their descendants, and that is not democratic.”

I wonder if he’s deliberately echoing a certain other definitely-not-out-of-his-depth platform operator? Deliberate or not it seems like a poor choice.



Wow. That Musk tweet is breathtaking. Does he even listen to himself? Like, it’s almost art to create and then completely contradict an entire worldview in 25 words.

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I bet he does… I bet he loves to listen to himself speak and think he sounds brilliant… This is what happens when someone surround themselves with yes men who spend their time kissing up, never contradicting dear leader, and pumping up their ego, so they can bast in their reflected glory…

Im Not Maya Rudolph GIF by Saturday Night Live


I suppose if art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, then a lie that makes you realize the speaker is dumber than you ever thought possible could be “almost art”. But I’m not going to frame it or anything.


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