A $125 e-ink reader the size of a cellphone

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/03/a-125-e-ink-reader-the-size-of-a-cellphone.html

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I bet they took phone guts and put an eInk display on it.

I wonder if it has a mic and speaker? I’ll be dropping my land line soon, and I’m on the lookout for devices that can pair and act as extensions for my cell. (There are cheap boxes that will do that, and provide POTS for standard phones, letting me use my NE500 rotary as an extension in a central spot, which is probably how I’ll go.)

I wish someone would just put an e-ink display on the back panel of a smartphone.

Use the main display for usual stuff, turn the phone over for use as an ebook reader or other nearly static text stuff
(it’d be perfect for me, though admittedly a very niche use case there :yum:)


possibly not as niche as you may think :wink:, around $500;

e/ the review here is a bit anoying with its background score, but its good enough for information; both screens seem quite good;



Not changing my phone any time soon (quite happy with my Fairphone 4) But if i do that’ll be a contender :grinning:


I’d love a cell phone shaped e ink device. But it’s hard to beat the Kindle Paperwhite, which I have. Yes, it’s heavy and tough to use one-handed. But it looks fine and lasts a long time. And cost $125 or so.

I suppose I would pay more for a slightly smaller device, but by then Amazon will offer one, and that will sync with my library.

As you can tell, I have given in to Amazon. I try to read as many books as I can lent via libby, but I like to buy books and read books. I’m not furious about the DRM. I don’t love it, but I am not going to fight it. I will be sad if someday I lose most of my books.

Myself i just abuse the amazon kindle unlimited subscription to extremes.

Yes, there is the risk of things i outright buy dissapearing into the ether, but i’m reading a frankly absurd number of books i’d not able to afford if i had to buy them…

I do try to make the effort to de-DRM kindle books i actually buy for backups though.

Oooh I just bought one of these, after braving the wilds of Aliexpress. It’s been great for what I want, reading books on kindle and articles on Instapaper.


Wierdly for Aliexpress, the more expensive the item the more trustworthy it is in my experience…

Buy £200+ tech: arrives perfectly packed and as advertised.

Buy £10 SD cards: chance of dud cards, but they’ll refund instantly…

I tend to trust them to either deliver or refund on items in my experience…

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