Boox Palma is a smartphone-sized e-ink e-reader

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As my eyes (and the rest of me) age, I find I want a larger screen or larger book size for physical books.


I already have a smartphone-sized device for reading e-books that also can do a lot of other stuff, I don’t need one that can only do e-books. I’m not opposed to dedicated e-book readers (I own one) but IMO this is prioritizing the wrong thing and choosing a battle they aren’t going to win.


I bought one about 4 weeks ago and love it! Being able to have it in my pocket throughout the day is a game changer. During those short down-times that pop up during the day, it’s great to actually read a book for a bit, rather than doom-scrolling through social media. I still use larger-format e-readers while I’m at home, but having a dedicated reader with me all day long has been a real upgrade.


When weather permits I prefer to just wear a coat with pockets big enough to carry my Kindle.


There are probably a couple of things that killed a dedicated e-reader for me.

The first is reading comic books. And if I’m not getting them in color, I would at least hope I can change the orientation to be able to read certain panels.

The second would be price. Both because this looks pricier than whatever smartphone I can buy used on ebay and because I already keep a smartphone with me.

What worked with e-readers was the lighter weight, which was better than using a tablet and the battery life. The battery life, which, here, doesn’t seem all that compelling compared to my current smartphone. I still have my old Paperwhite where the battery life was much better. I’m also fine with an OLED display vs. e-ink.

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When my e-reader died because I sat on it (don’t ask) two years ago, I got an older PocketBook 623 for $30 on classifieds. Didn’t have all the bells and whistles my other reader had, but I’m happily reading on it, and I didn’t even bother getting the screen replaced on the broken unit.

It’s so much better reading books on that than on my smartphone, which means I’m actually reading more when I take the PocketBook.

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