I would replace my Kindle Voyage with a Kindle Voyage

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/02/16/if-lost-i-would-replace-my-kin.html


You missed a closing paragraph tag.


I read between two and four ebooks every week just on my phone and have never felt the need for a dedicated ebook reader. Most of them are too big to carry around as easily as a phone. (The battery life is nice, though, but I already charge my phone every day, so it’d just be adding another thing to charge once or twice a week.)


“Paper books kill trees”: if meant seriously, this is an old, hard-to-die misconception. If correctly managed, forests yield wood and are replanted. Saying that paper kills trees is like saying that bread kills wheat. (If incorrectly managed, even a wheat field can damage the environment.)


I used to work in the industry, and am not at all surprised you got your Kindle back. Hotel cleaning staff tend to be honest, hardworking people. There is always a danger of small electronics being thrown away, but something the size of a Kindle will usually be sitting somewhere waiting to be reclaimed.


*“paper book.”


Ty. Ty @orenwolf for the fix.


Thanks for the confirmation on the Voyage.

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Ironic, amirite?


I like ebooks, but have always used my laptop to view them. Does anyone know offhand if there is a good reader that lets you load and view documents from lots of different formats, including PDFs? I am personally pretty unlikely to ever buy a DRM’d document, but it would be nice to have a dedicated reader that is more portable and has hugely better battery life than my laptop.
Just curious.

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I read ebooks, sure, but they’re not satisfying. Like efood.


Totally different. If your paper book is lost or destroyed, you’ve lost that book. If your e-reader is lost or destroyed, you’ve lost all your books. Much better!


It’s a good thing the next occupant of the room happened to be Donald Trump.


All 510 of the currently in memory books and all the many thousands others were instantly available to me I my iPhone. Only the device, case and souvenir grateful dead tickets in the jacket, a Valentine’s day card not yet delivered, and a stamp would have been lost.


Wiki has got your back on this one - comparison of ebook formats and their supporting platforms. Personally I prefer ereaders that are not married to an infrastructure, DRM and allow for expansion via micro SD card. Kindles are popular but Amazon really doesn’t need any more of my money.


Thank you very much for the link. I have been trying to get motivated to do the research myself, but it is always nice when someone already has the knowledge at hand.


I’m not sure I agree that paper books are “bullshit in most instances”.

I love the convenience of ebooks. I can take an entire library on a long trip, in no more space than would be occupied by a small paperback. I am currently working my way through Simon Reynolds’ “Shock and Awe”. It’s fascinating and enthralling…and around 750 pages, which has pretty much relegated it to being read within my apartment. I’m just not going to lug it around.

But one of my favourite things to do with books has been to share them. There are Kurt Vonnegut books that I have bought many times over, because I am always lending them to people and forgetting who I lent them to, or giving them to people, or leaving them on the communal “take what you want, leave what you want” bookshelves in hostels. (I have also discovered many excellent authors through the books on those shelves). I feel like that aspect of readership is lost with ebooks. I read them and then they sit on my ereader, never to be enjoyed by anyone else.




Totally agree. My Voyage is one of the very few no-brainer replacements I would make if I lost mine.

Another reason, over the Paperwhite, is the flush screen bezel. Much easier to clean since I read during many meals. Tough to get crumbs out of the recessed Paperwhite screen edges and corners.


I was waiting with great anticipation to see whether or not you got your Voyage back from the hotel - So relieved to hear you did :slight_smile:

It took me a very long time to ‘convert’ to eReading. I felt like many, that it just wasn’t a ‘real’ book and could never take its place, but after buying one of the inexpensive Amazon Fire 7" tablets and reading on it for several months, I was a convert.

All the usual arguments: the dimensions and weight of a large paperback; a multitude of different books available at once, the ability to change fonts, font sizes, text and background colors, etc.

For Christmas I gifted myself an upgrade of sorts and got the Fire HD 8 and am loving the increased screen resolution and that 'nother inch.