A 21-year-old who overslept and missed jury duty was given 10 days in jail

Which one? Turner got 6 a six month sentence and served three months. Is there another one I’ve forgotten about?

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My bad; for some reason I though his sentence was suspended.


Phew. I was prepared to be really depressed.

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I’m not too sure which courts in CA you’re writing about. I had jury duty with my local county Superior Court and then I had six months of Federal Court Grand Jury about a year later. I got called for jury duty about two months after the federal jury duty ended and I had to show up. State and federal do not coordinate and like to point out that they’re apples vs. oranges, and they each have claim to you. If you get a summons for both roughly the same date, the first court will help you sort it out with second court (usually by postponing until a later date).

You should only be called by the state once every 12 - 18 months or so. However, if you move from one county to another and reregister to vote, that will do it. The county (state) courts don’t verify past duty; they leave that up to you.


Sorry for the lack of clarity, in my case it is not federal vs state both wanting their time; All three are county courts.

I haven’t moved in 6 years, and at a guess, I’d say i’ve received 8 summons.

And yes, if they do call me within the 12-18 months or so I can send them a copy of my proof of service & I’m off the hook.

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My theory – and although I can’t prove it, I know it to be true :wink: – is that once you show up for jury duty you get something special added to your profile in their computer. If you get impaneled, it adds a bit more to your profile. Someone exports this on a spreadsheet and the court clerks add some “will definitely shows” to their other random groups just to ensure they will have enough potential jurors.

I mean, I get summons like clockwork. My husband and I are on a winter and summer olympics-like schedule for LA County; one year it will be me and the following year it will be him.


A judge I know told me as much, saying “once you’re called and actually show up, they’ll be calling you again same time next year for sure.”

The real trick is not to get impaneled. When someone in the pool I was in last time asked rhetorically how that happens, my sardonic response was “with me, it just comes down to being honest.”


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