A Chrome plugin that scrambles porn sites is a post-Net Neutrality internet simulator

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2017/12/07/sexual-frustrations.html


Kids today deserve the chance to experience what I did as a horny adolescent watching late-night cable the 1980s.


How difficult it is to de-scramble old video these days? With readily-available digital processing, it seems to me like it’s a fairly trivial matter of fixing the palette and re-aligning the scanlines.

I mean, just wondering.

“Is that a nipple? I think that’s a nipple.”


Well, I myself grew up watching that scrambled porn, so that’s what I thought it was supposed to look like, and now find I can’t get turned on by anything but squiggly chromatic lines with an occasional nipple or butt.

Damn right I’ll be getting this plugin ASAP. Party time!


Thinking about this further, I think it is also an assault on sex work.
Actors get paid little enough as it is, but the additional “man in the middle” revenue is most certainly not going into actors’ pockets. The initial carry fee is already paid, but the added revenue is just making extra money off someone else’s (sex or other) work.

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“If you want a vision of the future of the internet, imagine a porn video buffering, aglow to a longing human face, forever.”

-George Hornwell


I don’t understand net neutrality at all. It’s about porn scrambling now?

Ah, scrambled cable porn. Normally when I talk about having a nostalgia boner, I’m speaking figuratively.

Not today! Thanks, BoingBoing!

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