A Delta passenger had Christmas gifts in her luggage, but all she found was dog food when she got home

Originally published at: A Delta passenger had Christmas gifts in her luggage, but all she found was dog food when she got home | Boing Boing


But her dog had a great Christmas though.


Meanwhile, some dogs in New Hampshire opened their luggage and found a bunch of expensive leather goods, and were like, “WTF is this nonsense?”


I’ve always thought that the luggage shrink wrap business in airports was a scam but things like this make me wonder if it might be a good idea.

Preempting the TSA question here:

"How Can Suitcases Show Up at Bag Claim Still Wrapped After TSA Has Looked Inside?

Is it magic? Spoiler alert: not really.

If a checked bag that has been wrapped needs to be opened for additional screening, a Transportation Security Office (TSO) will, of course, cut through the plastic film.

But in airports where Secure Wrap has wrapped the bag, a company employee authorized to be inside the bag screening area is standing by to re-wrap the bag and place it back on the conveyor belt and on its merry, wrapped, way."


“Best chew toy ever!”


Beat me to it!


“When it goes through the scan and it continued on its journey, it looks like a real luggage product,” she said about the objects that ended up in her bag.

Who talks like this? Is this lady in marketing?


The old “dog ate the Christmas gifts” excuse.



Word to the wise: Years back, a CSUN student summer hire told us of a friend who worked as a baggage handler at one of the LAX terminals. (I don’t recall which airline.) He told us his friend would occasionally steal luggage, and that based on how the luggage appeared (i.e., cheap or expensive).

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Christ, what assholes.

“We have affirmatively connected with our partners at Air France and the customer to find a resolution.”

I sure wish capitalists would learn to speak an actual language.


I guess it all depends on the airport. I was a baggage handler in Cleveland years back and there was no chance of stealing from peoples’ luggage. We were always too busy, plus my coworkers and I would have immediately provided a beatdown on anyone that we caught stealing from bags. That stuff was not tolerated.


THAT is the very first bag I’m cutting into if I see that as a baggage checker. Also bags with straps keeping them shut and way more locks than needed…

Might as well have a note tapped to it saying “I’m hiding something…”

Many international flights have hundreds and thousands of these wrapped bags on each flight. Have at it then I guess. :man_shrugging:

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Isn’t it good to know just how well baggage is protected from “terrorists” slipping forty pounds of bombs in when no one is watching or no one care’s about what they see going on?

Assuming the person herself isn’t trying a fast one of course.

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