A designer comes up with a much better supermarket receipt

Yes, I do find it a little odd that someone who, by her own admission, never looks at her receipts would choose the receipt as one of her projects and then apparently with no stated goal.

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Today I had a receipt that had the credit card receipt on one side and the itemized list on the other. It seemed like an efficient use of the paper… I am sure it will be “fixed” soon.

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As mentioned above, the only good receipt is an electronic one. Paying with cash? You’ll be asked if you want a receipt. Otherwise the assumption will be electronic unless you ask for one specifically. And make it fricken itemized. That is at least one plus of buying online, usually no paper involved. An email I can search for later is much good. An electronic one on my phone even better. Then when I see the transaction in my electronic card statement I should be able to click on that and see the itemized receipt. The banks, credit card processors, and the card issuers all make millions in these transactions, it’s time their product improved from 30 plus years ago.

Perhaps setting up an essentially unfalsifiable/objectiveless situation served to make it a relaxing ‘sandbox’ sort of project? You can’t really do that without also sacrificing a victory condition that can be fulfilled; but some people find sandbox style play to be very relaxing; and I assume she gets a steady diet of more…focused…requests at work, so wouldn’t necessarily be looking for more of the same.

If she is one of them, starting with a thing that’s data enough to be visualized and generally not well regarded aesthetically then doing some intuitively appealing if not exactly rigorous prettying up seems like it would be a hedonically solid project; though by no means a terribly productive one.

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