A first person account of a DAPL arrest

I very much look forward to the day that we can unhook from the power grid. Anyone who has the potential to make that happen faster has my support. I hated the idea of fighting wars for the primary purpose of keeping petroleum supplies flowing. And I say that as someone who had to fight some of those wars.
I am old enough to remember the fight against nuclear power. The alternative then was to build more coal plants. Which happened. I am not sure that I want people sticking reactors into everything, so that might not be the answer. But i don’t think the answer is huge petroleum price increases, either. Because the pensioner who cannot afford to pay her heating bill does not really have any other options. IMHO, we need to have some technology ready to purchase and install before we start making Grandma choose heat or food. If the Oil people are actually hindering the development of that technology, lets put and end to such shenanigans. But there are a lot of people looking at the problem in different continents, and it seems unlikely that Exxon could suppress all of them. To my knowledge, Germany is leading in the effort for large industrial countries to move towards clean energy. If wikipedia is to be believed, they use 17% nuclear, 53% fossil fuels, 10% biomass (burning wood or animal waste), and 19% clean energy. The nuclear is going offline by 2022, so it will be interesting to see if they make up the deficit with new clean energy, or more coal plants.
We do have ranching neighbors who have invested heavily in wind turbines and solar panels. None have had much success so far. We did make plumbing hookups for solar or whatever on our new buildings for the past six years or so, so we are ready.

People aren’t born connected to a power grid, or in internal combustion vehicles. Those are choices that people make. Sure, they are socialized into this by the people around them, but the process is still essentially a culture of entitlement. Why do you assume that there is oil for you to buy next year? Because it would be convenient? Because re-thinking the economy of scarcity seems unthinkable? That’s unfortunate, but it’s hard to justify. Consumer culture unthinkingly takes for granted that the resources they need are available, and can be supplied via a market.

People have been debating and working towards sustainability and weaning off of petroleum for decades. The crisis only seems “immediate” to those who have ignored the issue for the past 50 or so years.


It was a BBC documentary from 2012

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Just because you have an agenda does not mean everyone does. That’s you.

Please, consider NOT asking other people to bear responsibility for what you imagine you would be capable of in their shoes, or for doing things for the ONE reason your imaginationhas come up with,

Maybe, just maybe, there is some nuance and lack of MONOlithic thinking in other people. MAYBE your imagination has failed you.

How about you just ask them, and take their word for it. I mean, their word is AT LEAST AS GOOD AS YOURS.


Nope. for example, Saddam, at worst, raisied prices 30%, for a short while. Had an impact, yep, but not really a disaster from the POV of oil markets… and he had the 5th largest army at the time.

Rather than think of the geopolitics, consider for a moment our own individual souls. Maybe it’s not about what you think it is about. Consider that. Maybe it isn’t a spy movie. Maybe it’s tens of thousands of personal evolutions.

After all, your POV could be said to be useful for some of the forces at play, and you’d hate to be accused of that.

It’s between the lines dan. You must be playing checkers. Where’s your chess set man! /s


is an extremist someone who can QUOTE a stated reasons for doing something and immediately turn around and say that the person quoted is opaque?

Because that’s not someone else being an extremist

That appears as you not comprehending what you quoted. It can be explained to you, but it cannot be understood for you.

hint: “In the absence of any political leadership or legal mechanisms for accomplishing this…” is a very relevant section. More relevant than the CHANGE part. This change they work for can come slowly or quickly. In the absence of political leadership or legal mechanisms… it might get disruptive. If we work together (by, among other things, not accusing others of bad faith because we failed to comprehend them) we could get there calmly and rationally.

Don’t fear change. Fear is the mind killer.


In the absence of any political leadership or legal mechanisms for accomplishing this… youmight be correct.

How about WITH political leadership and legal mechanisms for accomplishing this?

Imagine that. I hope someday you will join us, and the world will live as one.


It was disgusting when it was on the UC Davis campus

It was disgusting when it was on the streets of Seattle during a BLM march.

It was disgusting in Baltimore too

We COULD talk about why the protestors protest.

But really, why put them down with violence? That’s unjust and disgusting.


That’s an indignity forwarded on my behalf that is worth fighting against. That’s just lazy angry policing. That shit shouldn’t get a pension.


Forwarded on my behalf…

Yes. Good point.


I see that you have trouble combining all your quotes into one post, and that aggravate me; but since those provide nice rebuttals, I’ll let those past.

But yeah, It’s not Ideal to go out and outright abolish fossil fuel immediately; but the Paris C21 plan is insignificant to halt the temperature rise to 3-10 degree celsius. So until something is done about the corporate plutocracy running amok, then their neoliberal economy will be the death nail of humanity.

You’d be less aggravated if you stopped ascribing your intent to me entirely. I wasn’t trying to do that thing you’ve said is better and that you said I did poorly. It’s your goal, nonexistant to me.

Thanks for ‘letting it stand’. Very gracious m’lord.

Personally I’d like to plan our way to the inevitable end (it’s a finite resource), but if we collectively refuse to plan for our shared reality, we will collectively fall suddently, and off a cliff.

I tire of those (not you) who are busy lining up the scapegoats instead of finding the alternatives to falling off the cliff.

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Everyone has an agenda, I just did not mean it to sound sinister or anything. Goal, perhaps.
What I don’t understand about the Standing Rock tribe is why they went out of their way to avoid participating in or adding input during several years of the planning process for the pipeline. Other tribes had lots to contribute, in order to ease their concerns about cultural or ecological issues. There were more than 140 changes to the pipeline route, based primarily on tribal concerns. But the Standing Rock tribe did not add any input. Not even to say that they opposed it. They seem to have ignored the pipeline planning process, until very recently. I would very much like to know why. It is not an unreasonable question.

That’s not the case Max. Thats a story you tell yourself, most likely because you do.

Nothing sinister. But your (or my own) approach to reality is not universal. Not everyone has another goal. Some people have failed to think through the consequences for everyone, but thats immaturity, not ‘an agenda’.

To claim someone has an agenda when you’ve just misquoted their stated goal strikes me as disingenuous and self-serving, at the cost of understanding. Like when someone says they don’t understand, but also don’t ask questions, like they can discern everything they need to know about others by observation alone, and without a direct, open, friendly back and forth.

If you’re looking for an agenda, you will totally miss the openly stated goal.

then ask them, directly. I can’t say why someone else does a thing any more than you can. But that person/group probably has a clue.

Hop on their facebook page, ask them politely, maybe you will find out. I advise you not use the word agenda, as it sounds a bit fighty and closed-minded.

My 2 cents is why they hell would they? Insanity is trying the same thing over and over agian and expecting different results. What negotiation with the federal government has ever been anything but gladhandling them at bayonet-point until the govt needs to violate a treaty to get yet more land, AGAIN?


I will follow your advice.
but as for agenda, even a baby has an agenda when they cry. It can be as simple as wanting Mom to know that she is uncomfortable. I led a protest once, and “what is your agenda” was one of the first questions that I got asked when I was looking for participants. It was a good question, as it taught me to look at what I was doing, ask myself what my goals for the protest were, and try to predict if our actions would be likely to actually further those goals.

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