A guy accidentaly made a gigantic repository of niche music

Originally published at: A guy accidentaly made a gigantic repository of niche music | Boing Boing


This group (LD Nero) sounds pretty good, and they managed to combine the fish and the trumpet as well

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Hmm…I just “discovered” Cat Power and Stereolab too, so sometimes familiar stuff pops up.


“An automatic system,” he said and gave a small sigh. “Ancient computers ranged in the bowels of the planet tick away the dark millennia, and the ages hang heavy on their dusty data banks. I think they take the occasional potshot to relieve the monotony.”
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


If you like obscure music, yer love The SPR3!

Check out www dot the spr3 dot com!

I’m a UK folkie. ALL my music is considered niche by the mainstream media.


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