A journalist finally uncovers the root of Trump supporters' anger

Exactly, thanks for the tone driving trollies but I’m not going to only say good things about the scum who think he’s great out of fear of organizing double-secret Trump voter sleeper cells.


It’s a bit delicious that crypto brownshirts are asking they treated with the appeasement standard they so often cite to undermine the left.


Considering how many upper middle class people are in his base, I have a hard time with articles like this which paint his supporters and disenfranchised bumpkins. The truth is much more terrifying. Many of his supporters are actually looking for more government corruption and graft. Not less. They love the easy dealing 80’s and want a return to those days. I feel like the ‘heartland is angry’ narrative is a very good blind from which to operate.


No matter what any of us (those on the ‘other side’) say, no matter what facts we present, no matter what election results we garner, they will not change their minds. At least, the angry white MEN won’t. I’ve seen a few signs that the women and children are starting to dislike the All Hate 24/7 life style. Therein lies our hope for the future.


But since nobody is doing anything about the existing conditions of fascogenesis, the only way that you can beat them on numbers and keep beating them, is to start shooting fascists in the fucking head. Do you want to do that? I don’t want to do that. And good luck trying to persuade a significant amount of the liberal/left coalition to take violent action, even in the face of it from the right! But the position you just expressed is likely to make it worse, intensifying the sense of injury and exacerbating the determination to act according to these toxic values, electorally or otherwise.


I would typify them as post-McGovern liberals, rather than post-Watergate; the party leaders never forgave the young left for insisting on McGovern. Thus, ‘super delegates,’ etc. to be sure it never happened again - like with a Bernie Sanders candidacy. Damn it. I know the Right would have had a field day mis-characterizing a lot of what makes Bernie “Bernie,” but at least there wouldn’t be quite the visceral hatred generated by Hillary.

I’ve never really understood the level of hatred felt for the Clintons, to be honest. Bush the Elder was defeated by Ross Perot’s run which split the conservative vote, not by any machination of Bill Clinton. And instead of trying to figure out why Perot appealed to so many of their base, they focused on the Democratic winner for their animus. Just like after Obama decidedly defeated McCain, they didn’t change. Oh, they made a few noises about better outreach to minorities, but nothing came of it, and then with their racist bigotted misgynistic candidate…well.


‘Racist paranoid bullshit’ - what you mean is false consciousness. It isn’t independent of other factors, but rather an attempt to explain how those factors came to be. Shut off the source of discontent that people turn to false consciousness to account for, and you can at least sterilise fascism, if not kill it.


"My suspicions were confirmed when I spoke to Ed Sherman, a sixty-seven-year-old retired teacher who has a thirty-seven-foot-tall sign outside his house that reads “Barack Obama Is A Demogorgon From Hell.”

this actually made me close my eyes, shake my head, and re-read it to be sure i read what i thought i read. good lord.


The Trump photoshops have really taken a nosedive in quality. Two of the mouths look like eyes.


Frankly I’m kind of impressed that a 67-year-old from Kentucky is able to make “Dungeons & Dragons” references.


hmm, true. but it’s redundant – demogorgons are demons, so of course they’d be from hell!


Eh, most likely he got the name from Stranger Things, doncha think?


Ironically I only see one ass…


The problem is: actually having the majority doesn’t mean shit in this election. Republican voter suppression efforts are currently underway - and fairly successful, apparently - and longstanding gerrymandering means that even states with Democratic majorities will go overwhelmingly to the Republicans.

In interviews with actual tRump supporters, it’s shocking how many describe him as a “truth-teller” or “honest” because he’s saying the things they want to believe. The ironic effect is to describe tRump as the perfect opposite of what he is, which makes my head want to exploded and means listening to real tRump supporters isn’t all that useful.


Is this satire? Honestly, I can’t tell anymore. Please help!


This is actually a good article about this same topic, not following the same narrative this article mocks.


The hate that I remember most from small towns was a hate for Democrats and the Democrat Party. They also hated Democrat candidates and their Democrat lawn signs and bumper stickers. The hate was so powerfully visceral that you could easily count on them voting for anyone or anything that was a Republican, even bald-faced charlatans. Some of them even went so far as to espouse hateful racist views because racism seemed to upset Democrats.

Many of the things that a small town denizen might hate are gone now. But the Democrat party remains in all of its ineffectual glory. Who are we to take away that last sanctuary of loathing? Haven’t these people suffered enough?


They changed, they doubled down on the crazy because they obviously were not conservative enough, and did it again with the Romney loss, which of course gets us where we are today.


Yeah, it’s satire, but the lines between reality, satire, and mental illness are blurring more and more each day.


I agree with you about the alt-right message not going away, but disagree about Sanders. He is not the same thing from the other side. Sanders’ big point was that we need to take our democracy back from the millionaires and billionaires. Trump is saying the same thing, except instead of millionaires and billionaires, it’s the Muslims, Mexicans, and Jews. So no, not really the same thing at all.