Originally published at: A laser camera that can see an entire room through a keyhole | Boing Boing
Can you use it to find you keys?
Can you use it to find you keys?
No because they’re on top of your car you idiot!
Just in time for “keyholes” to become completely deprecated…
I was wondering if they meant modern keyholes or the old-timey ones. I hadn’t even thought about the fact that soon we’ll just be keypads and scanners!
Later: “The laser wasn’t working so we had no choice but to assume it was a room full of cop killers with loaded weapons. We simply couldn’t accept the risk that it wasn’t that.”
I was wondering if eyeholes are now called keyholes.
yummy yummy
Put some Eyeholes in your piehole!
“autonomous navigation systems to spot hidden hazards long before they become a threat”
I read that as “hidden lizards”, which of course would be very advantageous.
Is there a word or term that succinctly describes a humorous or odd inference/prediction by your brain when reading compared to what is actually written?
Edit: I couldn’t find anything, so I’m coining “schadenmisbibliofreude”. Shameful joy from misreading.
It would have been interesting to hear what he might have said about lasers shining thru keyholes.
When recording sound in a home, the fridge is often unplugged to keep the hum out of the recording. Best practice is to put car keys in the fridge to remind you to plug the fridge back in before leaving.
That’s brilliant!
Oh, funny! Off topic, but we do a similar thing in building science. We have to turn off combustion equipment (gas water heaters, etc) to run some of the pressure diagnostics, so the “old pro” tip is to put your truck keys on the water heater so you don’t forget to turn it back on.
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