A modern trailer for The Empire Strikes Back

The nice thing about the old trailers is that they didn’t give the movie away. They enticed you to see it with a few clips and characters. And in this example, they don’t give away the plot or even tell you what to expect except that the story isn’t over.

Much better.

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I might be disappointed that the trailer gives away too much (as many trailers do) had I not seen the film a 120 times already over the last 42 years since it’s release.

“You want to change up the franchise? Make Jar Jar Binks a secret older brother of Luke and Leia’s”, said someone in a writer’s room somewhere…

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even more jarring: where’s the mandatory post logo quip? it’s just not a trailer till someone says something “funny” in the final 3 seconds.


I’ve always wondered how someone with blunt metal fingertips could manage to do that. He must have really been determined.


I read an article about the Alien trailer: the ad agency that filmed it was given absolutely no information about the film or footage to work with. They were just told something like “it’s a science fiction movie where an alien hatches out of an egg discovered by the crew of a spaceship on a strange planet, and then they have to fight it”. So they walked to the market and bought a few dozen eggs to experiment with.



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