A page of architectural screw-ups

Now I kinda feel bad for making a big deal out of apartment refrigerators whose doors swing open into the pedestrian area instead of swinging open toward the wall.

On some refrigerators, you can reverse the hinges & door handle to swing left or right.


Had a contractor do that with a bedroom door in the corner of the room, hinges on the room side rather than the corner side.

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This was at Ball State and allegedly they did it on purpose https://youtu.be/ZshMwU2-HCM

as stories go, that lacked a certain emotional impact.

Why do you say that?

I have a pinterest account, but most of what I do on the platform consists on tracing images and providing the original context…

In some ways, pinterest launders images… Not as opaque as a bitcoin mixer, but sometimes it feels pretty close.

From what I understand the whole thing was a well executed hoax.


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The image laundering is one thing. I hate that kind of website that doesn’t help crediting artist or giving context. Most of my image search lead to that dead end that is Pinterest. Not everyone is as respectful of content creators than you.

An other point is the ergonomy of the damn thing. What does mean this button ?
In any other website it mean full-screen right ? But on Pinterest it leads you to the source of the image (when there is one and not the dashboard of tumblr or twitter).

Last point is the fact you HAVE to make an account to browse the site (sometime to access your OWN images) that kind of behaviour is unacceptable and hurtful to the web. (I mostly disprove linking Pinterest stuff on Boing Boing because of that, it’s a way to bring them consumers)

Sorry for the bad English Rambling. The saddest part being I have to use Pinterest too, they made themself unavoidable on the image searching market, not by being good but by being huge.

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