A parent found that "The Bible" is full of stuff Utah's book-banning laws prohibit, and filed a formal complaint to have it removed

Kinda wondering if this might backfire: Some “Christians” realizing that the Bible does contain too much they find questionable, and producing the newly improved and expurgated version. King James 3.0 or some such. Finally contains only the books and passages Jesus presumably intended.


Arguably, something so bowdlerized, twisted and perverted that it amounts to the very opposite of the ideas junior tried to promote.


There is the bit where inducing a miscarriage is explicitly differentiated from murder as a crime, though forced-birthers don’t like to acknowledge it for some reason…


There are already biblical texts that have been removed from the collection known as “the” Bible. There were several big meetings over time to discuss this-they often included violence as one group disagreed with the others. The idea of then calling this text infallible and inerrant is laughable.


That won’t work for them either

It isn’t officially a left wing movement, it just ended up being that way by people following what Jesus said.


The Nazis did try and create a Christianity free from Jewish influence. We are seeing a revival in those ideas in the right wing.


Yeah, TBH most Xtian groups would probably want to ban the Bible. Because once you actually READ it you usually either become an atheist or one of the above mentioned Red Letter Christians (who are, TBH, some of my favorite people in the world). As always, canon Jesus>fandom Jesus.


From an online discussion I had many many moons ago:

Christian Biblical literalists are trusting themselves to an archaic
English translation of a Latin translation of (help me out here…)
Greek? Aramaic? source. I wouldn’t even trust a VCR manual to make
it through that intact. – Dr. Dee

The fact that it talks of VCR manuals, should give an indication of haw many years ago this was :slight_smile:


Life imitates art: McCARTHY - 'Should The Bible Be Banned' - 12" 1988 - YouTube

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