A physicist dismantles Terrence Howard's nonsensical "theory of everything"

Yeah but cuttlefish can learn and remember things from before they were born. Maybe he’s a cuttlefish trying to hypnotize us

blue planet oceans GIF by BBC America


A post was merged into an existing topic: Please do not attribute mental illness without a diagnosis

Because Rogan isn’t stupid. He believes that his audience is stupid.

Rogan can be 100% correct, and also stupid.


For those who can’t watch the video (or delve into the book), the short version is that the third line of the book reads

4/2 is the inverse operation of 2 x 2 = 4

If we translate that to variables, it would be

x/y is the inverse of y*y = x

I’m not sure if it is intentional or not, but what it should say is

4/2=2 is the inverse of 2 x 2 = 4

or in variables:

x/y = z is the inverse of z*y=x

We can stop here. The rest of the math in the book is based off that mistake.


To me, it sounds like someone who has read a bit of philosophy, dropped acid for the first time and got “enlightened”. When I did it, I also remembered being born, but also the moon exploded, we got lost inside our apartment, and I forgot how to count past 7. Never did I feel more in tune with the Doctor Bronner’s bottle. We’re all one, maaaaan.

We felt like we knew so much, and then the next day it was back to boring. Except for one friend, so stayed in la-la land for a couple of months, before going back to what they were like before, which was such a relief. I think this guy is in the middle of something like that.


I believe it is against BBS rules to speculate on a person’s mental state. That said looking online his “proof” that 1*1=2 has been discussed since 2019, and people have been concerned over his well being. I haven’t seen the video but Joe Rogan having him on his show seems predatory and calculated to get attention, after all we’re all talking about it.


Dianetics started the whole memory back to conception thing (or maybe slurped it up from some other crackpot). At some point it phases into Scientology proper, with previous-life “whole track” memories.


Just an -opinion-:

If you truly -believe- you are “right”, then “you are right” (because you have your own personal reality generator).:grimacing:

If you redefine words/concepts to fit with your view from your personal reality generator, then your feedback of your echo chamber of cognitive bias is telling you “I’m right, everyone else is wrong. Error read as insight…Like living human version of the AI hallucination error -with same AI-level confidence.
Also, redefining words/concepts that are already established to convey information to others, make these “new words” devoid of meaning.


There is a common phenomenon of academic and professional scientists receiving crank theory papers. Rogan has (yet again) made the world a dumber place by publicizing one.


Oh, in addition to her transphobic video, she also did one on economics that an actual economist ripped apart…


When the algorithm takes to you toward the tinfoil hat/ zero point free energy videos- you get a lot of that. :face_with_peeking_eye:


Listening to the ideas of a fake scientist is like going to a psychic surgeon instead of an actual MD.

From his Wikipedia bio:

"On February 26, 2013, Howard also said on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that he had earned a PhD degree in chemical engineering from South Carolina State University (SCSU) that year. Howard never attended SCSU, and SCSU does not confer doctorates in chemical engineering. Instead, Howard was awarded an honorary degree of “Doctorate of Humane Letters” (DHL) from SCSU after speaking at its commencement ceremony in 2012.[33]

Howard applied for a patent in 2010 on a “System and method for merging virtual reality and reality to provide an enhanced sensory experience.” (WO2010124074).[36] [37] He later pursued two patents related to jewelry. (US2011226016, US2011072851).[38][39]"


At 2:32 there’s an equation on the screen: 5s x 1m/s = 1m

Am I missing something here, or is this an error made by the person doing the graphics? Shouldn’t this be = 5m?


His math is screwy but the world view is god-smacked pantheism. My beliefs are closer to his than to any Abrahamic religion.

If he wants to make essentially unfalsifiable statements about personal theology then he can go right ahead. If he wants to present himself as some kind of genius regarding tangible claims relating to math or physics then he best be prepared to get shot down by people who actually understand those things.


I didn’t realize that you were the topic of this discussion.


Welcome to BoingBoing!


Another takedown, from Professor Dave Explains:


Kenan Thompson Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


It appears to me that his supposed conundrum regarding multiplication of energy by zero is in fact a non-issue, but is consistent both mathematically and in the physical world. Consider, if two parties each produce 100kJ, then 200kJ have been produced. If no parties produce 100kJ, then no energy has been produced, but neither has any been destroyed. (Which in a way reminds me of the “riddle”: Q - What’s red and invisible? A - No tomatoes.)


A raven?

A raven-shaped apple?