A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 1)

Which is the incel dream in the States: force every girl (yes, girl) to get married to a man at a young age before fully maturing. It’s the only way to get what they want – the ability to force someone to have sex with them – and the ability to be cruel on a societal as well as individual level is a lovely bonus, of course.


Somebody got a spanking


Old man yelling at clouds.


Schitts Creek Wtf GIF by CBC


Another story about a happy, completely well-adjusted family vlogger :roll_eyes:


Suspicious Season 6 GIF by Paramount+

That gif and this story makes me feel old, but seriously, who are they?


I really don’t watch family vloggers but this couple was one of the most popular ones (The Ace Family with 18 mil subscribers on YT). Because of that they were also one of the most focused in on ones by critics of family vlogging. Controversies with regards to scams (like a rigged car giveway), reality tv style bs by living a larger than life lifestyle with expensive cars and homes and featuring their kids in uncomfortable ways like when they are sick or upset etc etc.

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For more than a decade, a social-media campaign has been raising awareness about the shocking number of Indigenous women and girls in Canada and the United States who have gone missing or been murdered—as well as the disproportionately high rates at which Native women experience interpersonal violence over all. Despite some government action, this increase in understanding has not yet led to meaningfully better outcomes. [As Rachel Monroe reports from New Mexico, some people are fighting the problem on a more granular level, one case at a time. Monroe profiles the attorney Darlene Gomez, who has served as the pro-bono advocate in twenty such cases. “I’m a fund-raiser, I’m a therapist, I’m a policymaker, I’m an advocate, I’m an activist,” Gomez explains, of her work transforming an online hashtag into change on the ground. “We have to push,” she adds. “It’s constantly pushing and making a scene—I hate to say that, but we have to make a scene.”



Reminds me of this dumb shit…


And this excellent response:


Which for the record turns out to have been a niche fetish drawing. I remember seeing some comment from the artist who was very disappointed it had been picked up as if it were some kind of statement about women in general, as opposed to just a kink some people like.

I confuze.

That makes it better somehow?


I mean, I know fetishes can be misogynistic too. Just…there can be women tied up as part of BDSM because those are things those people are into as pure fantasies they would never want to see for real, and then there can be women tied up on Christmas cards because ha ha silent night isn’t that where they all belong fellas, and yeah I think the one is worse than the other.

And having once had a picture stolen by an anti-trans twitter account – not that it was actually relevant at all – I guess I also feel kind of bad for artists whose work is used for things they wouldn’t support.


I see. And of course, what you’re saying makes more sense to me if a woman drew that.

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