A world map of your surname's prevalence

Maybe for good reasons?


I have cousins who live there and I have to buy my own beer :cry:

There’s strong suspicions that my great-great grandfather was the illegitimate son of the then future Duke of Buccleuch as well. I think that means that Elizabeth Windsor is some kind of distant cousin of mine :anguished:



Oh, so there’s a price to disappointment! Is this the new plan to monetize the site?

Ummm… I have no further comment.


This thing is all wrong. It tells me there are 30 people in the world with my surname, when I know there are only six.


37,529 people with my surname, that’s quite a lot, actually. Highest density in Scotland, but a good few of us here in Canada as well, looks like (I like to think that that’s all due to great great great (great?) grandpa Tom, but I imagine there were others of the same surname that came across as well). And I’ve always read that it was a Scottish surname, but looking up Odell (it means “of Odell”), I see that it’s in Bedfordshire, not too far from Cambridge, which is a good fair hike from Scotland. Unless historically, Scotland’s borders were much further south than I thought.

And looking at the map, I see that it’s everywhere I’d expect it to be - that is, mostly places where you’d expect to see English immigrants - Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, South Africa. And then a few small pockets for the expected outliers.

Surprised nobody has considered who has access to that site’s logs. Unless we’re all searching on other people’s names? :smile:

@beschizza great post! Thank you! I never knew my family name was spread over 5 contents. It’s a very humbling discovery.

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There’s always the Dread Pirate option.

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My daughter’s namesake became the first female prime minister, although I expect better things from my daughter.

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