Activists monitoring right-wing hate ask YouTube to change takedown policies

Ah, good point. Thanks.

No, they have to notify you, and if you say that it is in fact ok, it should stay up (I’m not sure on what the time limits are for this stuff), and youtube or whoever has legally covered their asses. Now whoever doesn’t like it can file suit against you, etc, but it can stay up until you loose, I think (if you loose, I’d expect you to be penalized for keeping it up though).

I think that guy’s so far in the closet that he’s found a talking lion.


more power to you. maybe a ‘script’ for logging in?

they should sell one. do they take bitcoin?

I don’t know about trusting takedown filers, but if you’re someone with a history of accurate flagging on YT, you get paid more attention

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