Administrator's letter welcomes students to Yale University and tells them to "emotionally prepare" to die from Covid there

Oddly enough, EULA can also work for End of User Life Agreement.


The part where she is being candid about the situation is a good thing; it’s the background that’s the problem.

I know we all realise this, but we’re still getting it backwards in practice. If ten universities consciously endanger their workers, and one of them describes it honestly it in a tweetably compact form, then you can guarantee the honest one will get most of the backlash. It tells the powerful they can do whatever they want to us, as long as we can all lie about it.




It’s even more insidious than that, I think: since masks are more about protecting others, not wearing a mask ties into gun control fallacies, and it’s as if every trumper gets a free open carry.


Yes. I was kidding you. My comment was meant as sarcasm. I do not want a large percentage of our seniors to die. I agree that it was in poor taste.

I wonder if Santos ran his email through their OGC legal counsel beforehand.

The old /s tag is a useful one. Like emojis, it can be invaluable in getting the meaning across in what is, inherently, an easily misinterpreted means of communication.
But tbh, I implied the sarcasm in your post*. It made me snicker. :wink:

  • A hazard of being a New Engländer, maybe.

I’m about to start my second year at Seton Hall Law. They are starting the school year with in person classes, because for reasons I can’t fathom, Governor Murphy, who otherwise has done a decent job, decided to open up schools and universities, even though that was supposed to be stage 3 of reopening, and we’re still in stage 2. At least Seton Hall decided to implement a choice plan, so I chose to stay with remote learning for the semester. I’m hoping it doesn’t put me at a disadvantage to my classmates, because I need to pull my grades up a little to retain my scholarship, but not dying and not killing the person I live with is more important than that. To me anyway. Call me crazy.


I do have to chuckle that this is the professor of the “Science of Well-Being” happiness course that made the rounds some months ago (including on here, if memory serves)

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We had 7,000 students moving into campus housing in the last two weeks. I think you are making the right decision.


Please scream inside your heart.


Many of us know seniors, and some who are immuno-compromised. It’s not a joke to many of us.


Is this going to be on the final?


Well the Law School is in Newark, but I still foresee an outbreak at the Law School at some point.

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Even now, I say “going to work” when I am walking into my home office and opening my work laptop. I think this year may be seen as a phase change, where you go to Yale (or whatever) by logging on to their systems. Fancy real estate is going to be worth much less in the future.

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My neighbors just sent their beautiful daughter off to Yale to start her freshman year there. The students are going to be doing a modified “pod-based” learning model, where they live with the same small number of roommates, presumably to mitigate the risk of infection, but it’s definitely going to be higher risk than sheltering in place.

She’s coming home after the semester and now I’m scared for the health of our community.


Due to the Covid-19 situation all classes at Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts this fall will be virtual and on-line.

University Provost, Dr. Herbert West IV, also stated on Twitter that, for the first time in history, the entire text of the Abdul Alhazred’s “Necronomicon” will be available on-line, in all existent translations, via the university library’s website – “for registered MU students and faculty only!” – beginning at midnight October 31st, 2020.

“Yog-Sothoth is the gate!” West cautioned. “So, please… stay safe!”


It’s a death cult


But did the email include a dance video?


Never expected West to tear himself away from pure research…


Yeah, that seems like an unfortunate decision on her part.