Advertisers trying to target your dreams

I hate it here.


I’m waiting for someone to have “effective dreams” as in The Lathe of Heaven. (both Ms. Le Guinn’s book and the WNET movie version were very well done.) Much more frightening than Inception.


Though that amount would be wildly optimistic when it comes to web advertising, it seems. I was reading something about a company that actually tracked sales relative to online advertising and realized that, despite having spent staggering sums, it hadn’t impacted sales. At all. And that they weren’t alone in this, but other companies hadn’t actually been paying attention - it was just an article of faith that ads worked as intended.


Let’s adjust priors!

And, again from @koenfucius but also via @davidittrich ,
(What has Behavioral Economics missed along its way.)

Okay, he’s been tweeeting like mad this week in June, so may as well drop that while deprecating the ‘Phases of Grieving’ thing, we can suggest any phases we like now
(Shopping, BOGOing, DIYing, perl regexing and juicing, say.)


I’m sure we can entrust Tim, Jeff, and (especially) Zuck to do the right thing with this technology.

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The logical next step in the grand quest of manufacturing desire I guess.
I can’t remember where I first heard the phrase…

advertising is about the dream life of a culture”*

…but this is certainly taking things to another level!

*(possibly Shop 'Til You Drop: The Crisis of Consumerism)

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Assuming there’s actually any real effect, how do they intend to force people to watch their ads immediately before sleeping?

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I had a dream the other night that I was eating a chalupa at Taco Bell.

…I wouldn’t say that it was a good dream, though.

Indeed! I am still shocked when I see the appalling mess of a pile of online ad vomit that the BB site becomes when I have to turn Brave Browser’s Shields off merely to watch a Tiktok video. [Shudders just thinking of it.] Every single cent of that spend is wasted because I almost never see any of it and when I do - well, I don’t. I just watch the video and then close the tab.


So they want to sell me a high school locker that’s simultaneously a gazelle but is also really my deceased grandparent…? Good luck.

I wonder how they will deal with people who have PTSD nightmares? Somehow I don’t think any company would want to have me associate them with people trying to kill me.

Then again, I also dream about post revolution AnCom society when my PTSD isn’t a problem, so maybe I should be marked down as someone who shouldn’t get advertised to.


I was thinking of the time that I dreamed that the city I was in was hit by a nuclear weapon but that many years later I woke up, a mere skeleton, and boarded a subway that took me to the past and gave me a chance to relive the events over and over until finally I escaped the city just before my death but realized I’d left everyone I knew behind and that I’d have no more chances to do it over. Maybe there’d be a Coors poster on the subway wall? I’m sure I’d wake up, rush out and buy some.

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On top of which, a significant percentage of ads go on websites, functioning as money laundering operations, whose readership is 100% bots. Bots in general making up around 40% of internet traffic. It’s no wonder online ads have little to no impact - no one is seeing them.

I’m pretty good at ignoring ads, though the ones I’m aware of are for products I’d never ever consider interacting with. Somehow the scammier or more worthless the thing being advertised, the more likely I am to notice the ad with horrified fascination.


I can honestly recommend Brave Browser. I pretty much never see ads these days. It just works. I can save my horrified fascination for more worthy horrors.


I use just enough ad-blocking to make sites readable - I really don’t want to deprive anyone of ad revenue. (Ironically I started using it at all because boing had become literally unusable as a result of their ads.) The rest of the ads I can ignore/be amused by. But considering the arms race of only ads, I’ll probably need to up my game at some point with something like Brave… I already switch between different browsers for different sites.

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Inception, Inception, Inception?
“The Cell”?

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