All dogs go to heaven. And all dogs grieve, when a loved one dies

Thank you. The capacities of animals to experience complex emotions like grief – and also be terrified by fart noises – are too often underestimated.

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i agree.

of course animals have feelings, humans are after all animals, and we aren’t as different as some might like to think…

It’s dominionist thinking, encouraged by religious fundamentalists that makes so many people ignore the fact that’s right in front of them that animals feels emotions as much as we humans do. We’re all biological creatures, and there’s no reason a dog can’t feel similar, if not the same emotions we do. They may be a little more simple minded than we are, but the difference isn’t appreciable in the grand scheme of all life on the planet. god (whoever) forgive us of our “sins” that we commit against the other sentient creatures who aren’t as obviously articulate as we are in our own terms.

Oh yeah! What about the the true source of emotions; the immortal soul gifted to us by god and not to dumb animals? Huh? Answer me that Mr. Atheist-I-know-better-than-god. :rage:

Oh yeah! What about the the true source of emotions; the immortal soul gifted to us by god and not to dumb animals? Huh? Answer me that Mr. Atheist-I-know-better-than-god

Since you asked…

You have it completely backward. We’re big apes with slightly more gray matter (on average). Ironically, all those “noble” parts of humans are primitive hind brain endocrine stuff that all mammals are probably just as good at as we are. Love, sense of fairness, duty, honor, heroism, patriotism, “family values” (you know what I mean) – all primitive horrendously inefficient stuff that an actually intelligent designer really should have done better.

Consider love/lust alone. What kind of intelligent designer would come up with that as a solution for optimum mate selection?! Craziness.

We probably do the “Mr. Spock” stuff a little better than our mammal cousins do, but all this “soul” stuff seems to run on circuitry that’s been around for much longer than humans have.

Yours sincerely,

Mr, Know-it-all Atheist.


My dog get jealous of my husband. Sometimes when he kisses me, the dog will bark at him or leap up and try to stick his face in there. Otherwise he likes Mr. Bells just fine, but he does not want him to kiss me!

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@edrowland & @LDoBe - I agree. Also, I’m not sure that intelligence necessarily has the relationship to emotions that most people assume.

When it comes to humans, I’ve known some super smart people that were emotionally flat, and some mentally challenged people that had more emotion in their left pinky finger then I’ll ever hope to have. In humans there almost seems to be a reverse relationship with intellectual intelligence and emotion, like the more cerebral thinking overrides the emotional parts of the brain which leads me to think that most animals are much more capable of emotions then people assume and if anything the human brains specific biological advances are evolving away from the emotional responses. just a thought.

This is closer to the truth than you probably realized when you posted it-

Nope. Never gonna happen.

Granted it would need to be a very prolonged purgatory to atone for being a psychopathic murder cat.

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Dan Attoe. Complicated Animals, 2008

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Actually this was exactly what I was thinking.

I was immediately suspicious when I saw that the video had been sold to a news aggregating outfit. If you’re really grieving, you wouldn’t think about trying to make money off of it, or at least your motives are immediately suspect.

Also I think his crying sounded staged.

Thanks for alerting me to the BF article.

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