Aluminum castings of ant-nests

Well, they’re all basically commies, right?

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I doubt the lowlife who creates this “art” cares what kind of ant it is. So it happens to be a fire ant colony in this vid. I’m sure he is willing to destroy any ant colony he finds, for ya know, variety.

I guess the best place to check would be the guy’s site. Looking at his FB and related posts, it seems he’s limiting himself to fire ants and carpenter ants… both ants most people would call an exterminator for.

Would you be that angry about the exterminator? That’s how I had the carpenter ants in my house killed. No art, just had a guy come out and poison them. Same with the termites. Is it the act of doing something creative that really sets you off? I’d say it costs more than extermination, but frankly that depends. The termites set me back well over 1k.

What bothers me is the utter lack of respect for life being displayed, not just by this “artist” but by the people here as well. Exterminating pests is one thing, but it doesn’t seem this guy is performing an extermination service.

I haven’t done my due diligence by visiting his web site, but it seems that if he cared about respecting life, he would make a disclaimer in the video saying it doubles as an extermination job.

Taking out one anthill, of a common species (and, in fact, a pest species) really is Not Significant to most people, any more than pulling a weed would be (and in practical terms a weed is defined as any plant growing where a human doesn’t want it to grow), or chasing pests out of our gardens.

There’s really no shortage of ants. They’ll recolonize that patch of ground rapidly. We’ll never notice the difference, and they’ll never notice the difference.

You’re certainly entitled to feel otherwise. But I think that what you’re discovering is that most folks simply do not have the same adherence to the concept of ahimsa that you do. I respect your position… but I must respectfully ask that you respect the fact that others, after due consideration, disagree with you.

It was worth bringing up the point. But belaboring it isn’t going to change anyone’s mind.

Who said I was trying to change anyone’s mind? Don’t be so quick to think you’re so wise because you’re on the side of the majority. Sadly, you don’t even understand what I was saying, probably because you didn’t read my words very closely.

I have enough experience to know that most people simply don’t care and won’t change unless they themselves want to change. I was voicing my disgust; I wasn’t trying to change anyone’s mind any more than the people thinking this is cool are trying to change my mind. Try to differentiate between those two before you next try to smugly dispense your wisdom.

Your words put you on a slippery slope, by the way. So where does your compassion begin? Does it have to be cute and cuddly for you to care? What if someone were doing this to kittens? As I said before, I hope you’ll remember your dismissive words the next time there’s a human tragedy (since I have to spell out my actions to you: no I’m not trying to change your mind, only offering a wider take on a narrow viewpoint that people have).

If anyone is belaboring the point, it is you…this was a dead conversation, ended in joking around by myself and others, for several days until you and Torn brought it back up.

So in the spirit of not belaboring the point, and considering this thread is closing soon, I won’t be reading your response if you give one because frankly, I’m over it and I don’t care what your response is.

We agree that we disagree, then. I see thresholds and judgement calls; you’re seeking an absolute. Different questions, different ways of interpreting the data, different answers.

Ok! Your concern is noted!

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