Am I just weird?

(Mostly tomato) cans are usually filled with other metal e.g. lids of glass jars - subject to availability.
I often spend some time matriosking glass jars (anchovies in the olives in the pickles, soy sauce in the jam USW)

Yes, nowadays they are annoyingly loud and penetrating. And rightly so.
But I got that habit ingrained since times when seat belt did not come with a warning sound, and weren’t even mandated by law.

My car is smart enough to give you a grace period and does not sound if you go under ~10 km/h, but once started, it won’t stop if you slow down.


I’ve never enjoyed bright light. People love to run around in the sunshine, but my enjoyment fades quickly unless I have a hat or some shade. As a kid, I constantly had to push back against people who couldn’t understand why I preferred to work in dark, quiet environments. :nerd_face: Now, I act like Gizmo in Gremlins to make them stop.

light turn off GIF by Alexis Tapia

My school play episode was a surprise. A parent of one of the lead actors decided to tape the play on opening night and set up additional lighting right in front of the stage. The rest of the cast had no clue. The set backdrop was a floor to ceiling wall, with a door in the middle, through which each character entered. When it was my turn, I felt like this…

The Original Series GIF by Star Trek


I do this to an extent, I associate the habit with my Dad, an engineer, and his tendency towards efficiency. I guess it’s what people did before Tetris.


My browsers have turned into a ongoing display of mental distraction. Yes, browsers. There are two constantly in use on my laptop, and another two on my phone. All of them have multiple tabs open, reflecting subjects I was researching, interesting tech innovations, troubleshooting, etc. So many tangential thoughts and long-term problems with procrastination have led me to this point…

:thinking: Am I just weird?

Mad The Internet GIF by MOODMAN


Michelle Buteau Shrug GIF by Netflix Is a Joke


I’ve had this tab open in Firefox since November :grimacing:

I’ll get to it eventually!


Oh definitely not. My browsers are a mess of things I’m doing for work, the BBS, other forums, random research, articles I want to read, etc.

I use a tab organizer on my desktop to keep things somewhat calm, although the new trend of have two distinct desktops means I can stash some browser clusters out of sight. My phone, though, is a disaster of stuff I’ve been meaning to look at for four years.


This is more fun if you scroll so you can see both gifs at once :grin:


I’m the same, though my work PC just crashed and rebooted and I elected not to restore the tabs on relaunching. Quite a few unread tabs that have been there a while, but I figure I’ve had my chance and didn’t take it. :wink:


If only someone could COMBINE those two gifs… :thinking:


I confess to spending way too much time searching my browser history for lost tab items if they aren’t restored after a crash… :grimacing:

Bbc Oops GIF by Mystic


It’s basically the only way I ever clean up my tabs, so… :sweat_smile:


cady heron raises hand GIF

I have way over 100 open now, no lie. I’ve been waiting forever for a crash! :sweat:


I get motion sickness from scrolling on the phone. Part of the reason interfaces like twitter and tiktok are instantly unusable to me. Sometimes it’s the content that makes me want to puke but more often it’s just literally the motion of scrolling. I consider this one of those evolutionary traits that turns out to have an unanticipated utility though.


I don’t get that but my eyes ache from video games where a quick left/right panning makes me unfocus for a moment.

Maybe I do that so I don’t get motion sick? :woman_shrugging:t3:


I too have some easy triggers for motion sickness… scrolling can do it, if it’s fast enough. Any video that has shaky camera work…


Yes, I was going to say that it doesn’t sound like an entirely awful problem!


Games that shake the ground for no good reason!!

*waves fist at cloud


A lot of games give me motion sickness too. I have to turn off any head bob for one thing. I also have to turn off controller vibrations because it gives me trigger thumb after a while. Fast pace FPS are ok usually but the slow explorer type games that I want to like as chill-out games are sometimes completely unplayable because I just can’t look at them for more than five or ten minutes without needing to take an actual walk.

Damn… the more I think about it the more grateful I am to get motion sickness so easily.


Yep… I’m not a gamer, but anytime I’ve seen game play that’s POV, it can trigger it… Also, any POV films or all those found footage films. Could not watch that movie Tr0ll or the first Cloverfield movie. I literally puked after seeing the first Blair Witch movie in the theater…

I’m not too eager to use VR gear for that reason…

Not weird at all, @TornPaperNapkin!